Sweet Peach White

Tea type
Fruit White Blend
Dried Peaches, Peach Flavour, Safflower, Shou Mei White Tea, Sunflowers
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Loose Leaf
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Average preparation
195 °F / 90 °C 3 min, 0 sec 8 oz / 236 ml

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  • “From TGCTTB (round 3) We always pickup peaches from our local farmers market every summer so when I saw this one I knew I had to give it a shot, thanks Christina for adding it to the box (though I...” Read full tasting note
  • “Drinking this cold steeped tonight. It’s ok, it’s good. The peach flavor is nice, not fake and candy – I just wish there was a little more of it. The white base is fine, present but not in the...” Read full tasting note
  • “Backlog: for a white tea, this tea really took me by surprise at just how flavorful it was! Wow! This packs the peach flavor! But even though it’s a strong peach flavor, the white tea is still...” Read full tasting note
  • “First Sip Thought: “The taste is just like the smell!” Smell: I always love when you get tea in the mail and can already smell it when you haven’t even opened the package yet. This tea is just like...” Read full tasting note

From Simple Loose Leaf

White tea, with its sweet, soft floral flavors is an ideal choice to blend with delicate fruit notes. Sweet peach flavor brings out the best in white tea and creates a delightful twist on our wonderful Shou Mei. Delicious served iced as well as hot, this tea makes an ideal light, summery drink.

Ingredients: Shou Mei White Tea, Safflowers, Sunflowers, Freeze-Dried Peaches, Peach Flavor

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15 Tasting Notes

116 tasting notes

From TGCTTB (round 3)
We always pickup peaches from our local farmers market every summer so when I saw this one I knew I had to give it a shot, thanks Christina for adding it to the box (though I must say that with 8+ inches of snow on the ground I’m trying it hot rather than iced, even though you added it for the iced category.

Peachy and sweet, I don’t get much scent from the white tea other than a few floral notes that I can’t quite pick apart from the safflower or sunflower ingredients. That said it’s not an artificial scent which is something :). The flavor is subtle but contains those lovely peach notes with a but of floral undernotes from the tea/safflower/sunflower. Similar to the dry scent though I really don’t get much more from the white tea base. Hmm at least until I breathe out then I get a few more notes.

A lovely tea overall and I’m glad I got a chance to try it.

200 °F / 93 °C 5 min, 30 sec

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1040 tasting notes

Drinking this cold steeped tonight. It’s ok, it’s good. The peach flavor is nice, not fake and candy – I just wish there was a little more of it. The white base is fine, present but not in the way. This is a decent peach white tea. I have a LOT of peach teas in my house and this one is good but not my favorite.

On that note, drinking the last of this puts my cupboard officially at 299. Goodbye 300s, nice to know you, but don’t ever want this much tea in my house again. Operation cupboard reduction continues…..

TheTeaFairy 11 years ago

Yay! Keep it up :-)

Sil 11 years ago

Woohooo! Now, because I’m nice…I won’t send you your box now that you’re under 300 lol

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4843 tasting notes


for a white tea, this tea really took me by surprise at just how flavorful it was! Wow! This packs the peach flavor! But even though it’s a strong peach flavor, the white tea is still there. I can taste the sweet, earthy notes of the Shou Mei.

It’s not a fake tasting peach flavor. When consumed warm, the flavor reminds me of the peach filling of a peach cobbler (without the spice!) When iced (you’ve got to try this one iced!) it tastes so much like a fresh, tree-ripened peach that I could almost feel the juice running down my arm.


Here’s my full-length review: http://sororiteasisters.com/2014/05/12/sweet-peach-white-tea-blend-simple-loose-leaf/

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54 tasting notes

First Sip Thought: “The taste is just like the smell!”

Smell: I always love when you get tea in the mail and can already smell it when you haven’t even opened the package yet. This tea is just like that. It smells fresh – like laying under a blooming peach tree on a warm summer day.

Taste: Have you ever had a tea that smelt too good to be true and it was just that – tasted horrible? Sweet Peach White is nothing like that. As my first sip thought states, I was delighted to find out that taste wasn’t deceiving from the smell. This white tea is fresh and light – a nice twist on their Shou Mei White Tea. The perfect balance of sweet and fruity. If you were to add sugar it kind of resembles a “fuzzy peach” taste. I especially enjoy the freeze-dried peaches addition to the blend. I feel like that makes this blend juicy and it’s nice to have the actual thing rather than only a flavouring. I indulged in this tea hot, and frozen as a popsicle. I’ll have to share my popsicle recipe shortly as this tea was the perfect base for it because of the natural sweetness. For now, I’m going to test my patience and try to cold-steep this tea overnight because I have a feeling it’ll be amazing!


3 min, 0 sec

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6444 tasting notes


Having this iced and it tastes very much like a fuzzy peach/ peach ring candy. Delicious! Thank you Christina for the opportunity to try this tasty treat.

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630 tasting notes

This is super awesome, but I pretty much always feel that way about peach oriented things. I think this tea is particularly juicy-tasting though, and to me is less artificial tasting than most.

185 °F / 85 °C 3 min, 0 sec 1 tsp 8 OZ / 236 ML

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1308 tasting notes

Cold steeped in the fridge for about 18 hours. This makes a fantastic iced tea. It has a sweet and natural peach smell. The flavor is likewise sweet and peachy. It’s fresh and light and just slightly dry. My dad thinks it’s too light, but he’s not a tea person so what does he know. It reminds me of bottled peach iced tea minus the sugar.

Until I run out of this blend, there’s always going to be a pot of it cold-steeping in the fridge. I like it that much.

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184 tasting notes

Tea #4 from Another Traveling Tea Box?!?!?!

I like this one. I’ve tried another White Peach tea before, and I happen to actually like white peaches. Nice and light and delicate…I bet it would make an awesome iced tea.

2 min, 15 sec 1 tsp 8 OZ / 236 ML

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448 tasting notes

TTB 10: I pretty sure I underleafed this one. It was difficult getting the big, fluffy leaves in my spoon. I’m getting some white tea flavors with a bit of sweetness I’m assuming is the peach. I’ll likely update this soon when I try again with more leaf!

Edit: I resteeped and added more leaf. I got more tea flavor, but I still didn’t really get any peach flavor. This is a bit disappointing because it smells just like a fresh peach. I may have to cold steep this one and see if that brings it out any.

Stephanie 11 years ago

Big leaves are hard to measure sometimes!

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987 tasting notes

The newest taste in my Sunday Tea and Books series!

I made it iced in my new pitcher just for iced tea. I added 4 large teaspoons of leaf (the leaf here is very fluffy), 4 cups of boiling water, and some agave nectar, and let it steep for 6 minutes. After which I added about 4 cups of ice cubes to cool it all down. The resulting liquor is a nice, light, clear amber.

I have to say up front that I’m not a huge fan of white teas – unless they’re really strongly flavoured, they all taste the same to me. And unfortunately, this one is a bit too subtle for me. I taste the peach a bit, but I mostly just taste white tea, even with the sweetener added, which normally brings out the fruit flavours more. I can see why others would like it, but it’s leaving me lukewarm.

But what character did it remind me of? Unfortunately, since I wasn’t won over by this tea, the comparison is not very positive: http://christinavasilevski.com/2014/05/sunday-tea-books-sweet-peach-white-from-simple-loose-leaf/

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Anna 11 years ago

I’m really excited about your tea/character project – I look forward to catching up when things calm down a little. =)

Veronica 11 years ago

While Liyana might be forgettable I love the way her name is spelled. :)

Christina / BooksandTea 11 years ago

Oh, man, there is so much I could say about how I felt about reading Vessel, but I’m going to refrain. I read it last year, and I’ve read so many other books since.

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