Peach Oolong

Tea type
Oolong Tea
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Edit tea info Last updated by TeaEqualsBliss
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200 °F / 93 °C 4 min, 30 sec

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7 Tasting Notes View all

  • “Enjoying a cup of this right now. I have to admit that I’d enjoy it a lot more if there wasn’t hibiscus in this. I think that the hibiscus sort of ruins the natural creamy texture of the Oolong …...” Read full tasting note
  • “I really like this one! And I am finally going to give it a little bit of a review here before I run out the door again! This is tasty hot or cold. It says it has licorice root in it but I can’t...” Read full tasting note
  • “PLEASE NOTE: NO, YOU ARE NOT READING DOUBLE… I POSTED THIS UNDER DELLA TERRA ORIGINALLY BECAUSE I WAS EXHAUSTED. SORRY FOLKS! this tea was very well done! my experience with peach teas have not...” Read full tasting note
  • “As I scooped out some tea, hibiscus was spotted. Crap! I steeped it anyways and was pleased to see the water turn to only a slight pink hue. I can taste the hibiscus, but it seems to be used in the...” Read full tasting note

From Rishi Tea

Peach Oolong, Fair Trade Oolong Tea

Iron Goddess of Mercy and a lightly oxidized, flowery oolong from Taiwan are paired with dried peaches and the fresh essence of peach. A blush of hibiscus and a hint of sweetness from natural roots lays the foundation for one of Rishi’s most enticing, indulgent and fruity flavored blends.

Water: 200°F / Leaves: 1 tablespoon per 8 ounces / Infusion Time: 4-5 minutes / Ingredients: oolong tea, dried peach, organic licorice root, organic Fair Trade Certified™ hibiscus, natural peach flavor and natural essential tangerine oil. / Origin: Rishi Blend.

About Rishi Tea View company

Rishi Tea specializes in sourcing the most rarefied teas and botanical ingredients from exotic origins around the globe. This forms a palette from which we craft original blends inspired by equal parts ancient herbal wisdom and modern culinary innovation. Discover new tastes and join us on our journey to leave ‘No Leaf Unturned’.

7 Tasting Notes

4843 tasting notes

Enjoying a cup of this right now.

I have to admit that I’d enjoy it a lot more if there wasn’t hibiscus in this. I think that the hibiscus sort of ruins the natural creamy texture of the Oolong … which is already thick … the hibiscus makes this too thick … I can’t help but think that it would be so much better without the hibiscus.

It’s good, but it could be great.

The peach tones are nice, and accentuate the natural fruit notes of the Oolong. The berry adds a touch of tartness – not sure that it needs that, but I’m OK with that … and this isn’t overly tart even though the hibiscus is there. And I like the faint note of licorice in this … it is so faint … but it is lovely.

Overall, it’s alright … but it could be much better.

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6768 tasting notes

I really like this one! And I am finally going to give it a little bit of a review here before I run out the door again!

This is tasty hot or cold.

It says it has licorice root in it but I can’t taste that…and, really, that is perfect fine with me. The Peach is wonderful. The Oolong is incredible crisp and clean and is a juicy accomplice to the peach. It also says it has Hibiscus in it but if it’s there I cannot taste or see it and again I am totally fine with this fact! I can pick up on the tangerine hints and they are delightfully mellow and in the background. There are also small hints of a floral aftertaste which is neat.

I like this very much!

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390 tasting notes


this tea was very well done! my experience with peach teas have not been abundantly successful— most of them have tasted like the peaches you accidentally drop kicked at the grocery store (fermented) or like tobacco (i don’t smoke and even if i did i don’t want it in tea). i was also dubious that peach and oolong would pair well… but ShortSorceress and i have similar tastes and this was a sample she included in our mammoth swap recently, so of course i was going to try it!

what i didn’t know was that ShortSorceress has friends in high places… see she called the people at rishi and told them about our awesome exchange. rishi were very sporting.. they explained that they had a store of peaches that they stashed in sawdust in boxes that they kept on the top shelf of their most protected vault (the one with the 200 alpha-numeric access code) for just such auspicious occasions.

this tea is the perfect peach. it is precisely ripened from inside the confines of the super secret rishi vault, it is beautifully balanced with the oolong (neither overpowering the other), and it is confident in its presence with strength in subtlety… like bruce lee and his one inch punch. i never would have bought it for myself… that ShortSorceress is one savvy lady!!!

everything i have said tea-wise is absolutely true, and all the rest? you’ll have to find the rishi vault and climb up to the top shelf to prove me a story teller.

195 °F / 90 °C 5 min, 0 sec
Short Sorceress

You’ve still got this posted in the wrong place, because this isn’t what I sent you. I sent you rishi’s peach blossom (which is amazing) and della terra’s peach oolong. I haven’t had a chance to even try this one yet, it’s still on my shopping list. I did get a good chuckle out of reading your post though :)


and this is what my illness does when i’m hot…. sheesh!!!

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1780 tasting notes

As I scooped out some tea, hibiscus was spotted. Crap! I steeped it anyways and was pleased to see the water turn to only a slight pink hue. I can taste the hibiscus, but it seems to be used in the rare measurement of moderation here! There is a sweetness at the back of each sip and a nice oolong base. I’m not necessarily getting peach from this tho, maybe a little on the aftertaste. As it cools the hibiscus becomes more prominent. Boo! It could probably do with a little sweetener at this point, but I may just gulp down the cup to get it over with instead. Not bad, but far from spectacular. Definitely not a rebuy.

200 °F / 93 °C 4 min, 0 sec

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