Bubble Gum Matcha

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Matcha Tea
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From Red Leaf Tea

Bubble Gum Matcha with its exciting gummy essence and fruity tinge can give any snack or treat a new trendiness. This is because; this unique flavor can be tailored to enhance different combinations that can give an ordinary snack a fresh new twist. This gummy flavor is especially suited for the snacks of the young because its familiarity with them lends an added appeal. This makes Bubble Gum Matcha snacks become instant favorites at the special occasions of young children.

This unique flavor can be become as easily recognized as many other known flavors because of its special standing and origin. It is ideal in enhancing the excitement of many special occasions where people look forward to new trends in refreshment offerings. With its no-ordinary appeal, Bubble Gum Matcha can easily acquire a loyal following from anyone who is adventurous enough to appreciate all the possibilities there are within the world of snack alternatives.

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10 Tasting Notes

16956 tasting notes

Cold shaken in a carry mug with some regular ol’ cow’s milk.

Basically tasted like a really thin bubble gum milkshake. I mean, normal by milk standards – but by milkshake standards soupy af. The flavour was there though; and that’s what counts! Also maybe a hint floral? That’s gotta be from the base though. I’ve yet to taste bubblegum that tasted floral over some kind of sugary sweet chemical/artificial concoction.

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1473 tasting notes

This is the story of a girl…a girl who went through two sets of braces. A girl who spent most of high school unable to chew bubble gum. Before I got the first set of braces, I was a bubble gum fiend. My favorite Easter candy was that little mini egg carton filled with bubble gum eggs. Still is, to be honest. But after two sets of braces and a TMJ surgery, I was firmly broken of the habit of chewing gum. If I’m offered a piece, I take it, but I don’t tend to buy it. But when I do, I buy the bubble gum flavor…is there anything better? It’s another one of those flavors I associate with childhood and so this brings up all sorts of good memories, even at first whiff. Bubble gum ice cream, does anyone remember that? The rainbow ice cream filled with little gum pieces…it was two treats in one! Two treats that made two separate royal messes! I also broke my nephew of bubble gum at the age of 3 (he’s 13 now). I wasn’t thinking and his folks said he could have a gumball, so I gave him one of mine. Filled with Shocktart powder. He won’t touch the stuff now, ha! I should feel guilty, but I bet his dentist thanks me for it.

Anyway, bubble gum has a very fond place in my heart, and it brings up all kinds of memories. It was another of the new matcha flavors that immediately hopped into my cart and I had to try immediately (found here:http://www.redleaftea.com/matcha-tea/bubble-gum-matcha.html). And I’m so glad I did. It’s definitely the bubble gum ice cream of bubble gum flavors, a rainbow of different tastes and flavors, but under the single heading of bubble gum. Generic bubble gum. Not the teeth-rotting super sugary kind, but the Bazooka Joe kind that loses its flavor too quick. Except this tea doesn’t lose any of its flavor. Oh gosh, it’s good. My brain keeps trying to make me chew the tea, it tastes so much like bubble gum. I wish I had known about this when I was younger! I keep going back for sip after sip. It’s taking definite willpower to put it down long enough to write this review! I want to blow bubbles with it. I get the feeling this would make amazing cupcakes, maybe with cotton candy icing. Yum, yum, yum. Definitely a staple in my cupboard.


Bazooka Joe!! Yeah!

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299 tasting notes

The BubbleGum was a little too intense for me! I could probably send you a little more.

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181 tasting notes


I’m not sure what I was expecting from this matcha, but it certainly wasn’t the pure, cloying artificial bubblegum flavour that came through. That isn’t a complaint, mind you – the flavour is completely in line with the name, but I was just surprised by the intensity.

It’s a very artificial flavour, also, so if that’s not your thing you may not enjoy this one. It was fun as a novelty, but I’m not going to be doing this one again any time soon…

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345 tasting notes

Thanks MissB for adding such a fun flavored matcha. It brought back memories of my Grandpa taking me to Baskin&Robbins when I was little. I always got the one with bubble gum because it was like getting 2 treats in one. I think I may try and make matcha ice cream with this.

edit: Oh, I had this as an iced latte and it tasted like childhood memories and bubble gum ice cream :)

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