90s Yiwu Yaoan Acient Tree

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  • “At this point I have tried this tea three different times in different brewing vessels. This was one of the teas that I took a gamble on trying because I know hidden gems are still out there in...” Read full tasting note

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1 Tasting Note

1113 tasting notes

At this point I have tried this tea three different times in different brewing vessels. This was one of the teas that I took a gamble on trying because I know hidden gems are still out there in 2016/2017… but I have to say that the cost to find them is quite high (however it is fun)

This tea is apparently 20+ years old? I cannot confirm or deny that, what I can do is affirm that it does not taste like teas that old on an average basis from the multiple ones I have tried. The liquid from the brew is always a bright orange that looks as if it just changed from yellow recently. There’s a nice sweet hay smell that comes off from the tea when it is brewed, yet the taste does no follow. This is an easy drinking tea as if it was apple juice… but that doesn’t offer much of an experience.

More skepticism from me has been added to PuerhShop.com because this seems to be a normal occurrence with what they have; that isn’t to say they don’t have good teas, those ripe dragon eggs are wonderful, what I am saying is their claims on age or region don’t see to match up.

Maybe this tea is dead and needs to be brought to life, I’m not too sure though I know right now it’s like blahh

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