My darling Becky bought me a glass teapot for Christmas (early) along with a sampler of Primula teas! This was the first one we tried.
Very light coloring, and I was worried about that. The first steep was too weak, the second was too strong, and hopefully I’m getting it right this time. The jasmine seems to soften the green tea, which I appreciate, but it leaves my mouth dry, which I did not get on the first steep (then it seemed a little more buttery). I can taste the flower(s), but they don’t seem very particular, something like chrysanthemum. Light and yummy enough, but I feel like there’s some quality that reminds me of how dirty fog is tainting this. My guess is the tea may have been sitting too long on a shelf. Also, unpleasant fuzzy residue in my mug from this tea. Whut.