Another sample generously sent my way by Sil. My experiences with chamomile tea so far have been good, and orange blossom is a flavour I know I like, so I’m looking forward to this one. My new job is still stressing me a bit, so I’m hoping this will help me to relax a bit after a long and tiring week. The dry mix has generous amounts of whole chamomile flowers, lemongrass pieces, orange blossoms and orange zest. It smells primarily of chamomile — that very distinctive, honey and hay-like scent with a slightly sweet, floral undertone.
Brewed, this still smells primarily of chamomile, but with a definite edge of orange. There’s also something slightly lavender-like in there, although I don’t think lavender is actually one of the ingredients. I guess the taste will tell. One thing that did take me by surprise is the colour of the liquor — it’s bright, grassy green! As the tea cools, it seems to mellow into a more ordinary golden yellow, but it certainly made me question my vision for a few seconds. I’m assuming the purple flower petals (are they orange blossom?) were the cause. Interesting, but unexpected!
To taste, I’m not getting lavender any more, I don’t think. Instead, I’m getting mint. I saw it listed among the ingredients, but I couldn’t see any in the dry mix, and it certainly doesn’t come out in the scent. It’s very subtle and complementary, though, so I’m happy enough with the combination. The taste is mostly of chamomile and a sort of floral orange in any case, so the name is pretty accurate after all. It’s not the over-sweet chamomile I’m used to, though. It’s somehow more herbal, more floral, and more grassy in taste than those I’ve tried previously. While the orange blossom isn’t strong, it adds to the flavour delicately and pleasantly, contributing a fresh, zesty, floral aftertaste.
A very enjoyable evening drink. Thanks again to Sil for sharing it with me!
Amoda is only $15/month??
Dude. I am seriously considering the 4-month plan right now…
Yeah it s a fantastic deal IMO. You saw the packages when you were here….three of those a month and they’re big enough to get multiple cups to try as well Share…I also really like getting things from different companies in the us and Canada. :)
They also have great customer service….
I’m really considering it, but I’m also trying to cut back on my tea spending. If I can go a few weeks just drinking what I already have, maybe I could justify it.
Unfortunately for me, tea spending is not so much the issue as tea stash size is. But that’s not a ton of tea each month, and it’s awesome that they send you enough for multiple cups, but not so much that you’re stuck with a ton if you hate it. And I’m thinking, $14/month, let’s subtract, say, $2 for shipping, so it’s pretty much $4/packet. Well, I’m willing to pay $2/14g packet from Della Terra; which is equivalent to $3/20g packet. So the cost is hardly much off that. I’ll be surprised if I don’t cave within the day.
Haha i like your logic Kittenna :) I was kinda thinking about it like, it’s cheaper than going to the movies once haha.
What? What am I hearing here? I had no idea about Amoda, it sounds exciting… I’m going to check it out now :)
Kamyria – oh do! They will for sure be getting my business again once i finish up winter with verdant’s reserve club. Really economical and so far i have enjoyed 2 or more teas a great deal each month. And since i’m a relative newbie in terms of teas from companies, it’s a great way to try out different companies!
Oh, I see you’re part of the elite Sil… Verdant Reserve Club is currently full… What does that cost per month if you don’t mind me asking? They don’t have the price listed at the moment. And as to Amoda… I checked it out… Please someone hide my purse from me! I even cancelled a useless subscription I had going to make place for this… lol
Price wise it’s not too bad… I subtract $5 for shipping, because that’s the cheapest shipping I’ve seen so far, and so I’m looking at $10/month for 60g of tea. Not too bad and I get to check out teas from different companies. I like, I like.. :)
Kam – the reserve club is 45/month. Hence the reason i had to cancel my amoda subscription temporarily. This is only the second month i’ve had it, and because i prefer blacks and “winter” teas, I’ll likely only have it until the spring since i’m not overly a fan of spring teas. Amoda has got their crap together ESP for canadians as i find even shipping within canada it’s usually not free until you spend 50. :(
I’ve been seriously thinking about this. Like Kittenna, it’s more of a stash size thing for me. And that there are SO many other companies I’d like to try.
i recommend it :)
I just ordered it, hahahahahaha.