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Herbal Tea
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  • “First of all, this is a confusing tea in its packaging. There is a sticker on the front that says herbal. Right above that, the label says it is chocolate cherry black tea, etc. The sticker on...” Read full tasting note

From Pangea Tea Company

From the Be.yoU.TEA.ful line: chocolate cherry black tea, a dash of forbidden fruit, cayenne & chili kick, topped off with a bit o’ sexy

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1 Tasting Note

3371 tasting notes

First of all, this is a confusing tea in its packaging. There is a sticker on the front that says herbal. Right above that, the label says it is chocolate cherry black tea, etc. The sticker on bottom says “Chocolate Velvet Kick Tin” and beside that “Rooibos”.

I did not buy this, it was sent in a swap by the delightful and much missed (where are you?) DOULTON. I wouldn’t buy this myself because 1. I don’t care for rooibos 2. I don’t like really spicy things or at least they don’t like me and 3. while I sometimes wish I was a “runs with scissors” I am actually more of a “plays well with others” so probably wouldn’t pick up a tin of tea that had a silhouette of mud flap girl standing up! :)

But surprise! The rooibos isn’t so medicine-y in this one. I still get cherry flavor but it isn’t disgusting. The chocolate is a nice aroma and has a moderate presence in the taste. The chili and cayenne are quite civilized, and though the roof of my mouth is a little warm, it isn’t hot or burning. I have no idea what the forbidden fruit is.

So what I was expecting to be a scary experience turned out to be pleasant enough, though I will probably not drink more of this with my feelings toward rooibos and all. I am going to gift the tin to a friend who is just getting into tea, loves spicy food, and has never heard of rooibos so she can see for herself if she likes it.

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