Thé des Songes

Tea type
Oolong Tea
Not available
Floral, Fruity, Metallic
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Edit tea info Last updated by Kaiten_Kenbu
Average preparation
200 °F / 93 °C 4 min, 15 sec

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14 Tasting Notes View all

  • “sipdown!(211) Sort of the official last one of the day that counts since i’m about to add all the teas that came in the mail today into my cupboard. At least i ALMOST made it to 200 before the...” Read full tasting note
  • “I’m going through some of these LPDT samples that I’ve had for a while but never tried so I can decide which ones I will drink the rest of and which ones I will swap and/or put in the TTB (if it...” Read full tasting note
  • “aka “tea of dreams” i guess i didn’t know this was lower in caffiene, and now i’m super glad to hear it. cuz i had 4 cups of tea today already and i’m about to have 2 more. i made this in my...” Read full tasting note
  • “Backlog: A very fruity Oolong. I tasted more fruit than flower … and more fruit than Oolong tea with this cuppa. I was a little disappointed by that, because generally speaking I prefer more tea...” Read full tasting note

From Palais des Thés

A delicious Wu Long (Oolong) that is scented with flowers and exotic fruits. Low in caffeine.

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14 Tasting Notes

15575 tasting notes

sipdown!(211) Sort of the official last one of the day that counts since i’m about to add all the teas that came in the mail today into my cupboard. At least i ALMOST made it to 200 before the teas came..i would have if they had waited until monday haha.

oh well…half the fun for me is the neverending battle to get my cupboard under control. I like setting goals and having fun trying to get to them lol. Plus this weekend i get to re-organise my cupboard and package up teas to go out to the girls involved with the BBBB…as well as family mail and tea out to nicole! since i found extra of a tea she wanted heh.

Life is good! 3 hours of sleep from last night and i’m still not falling over yet. Dresses to peruse at BR tomorrow and orders to consider!

Thanks to shmiracles for sending this one my way! i’ve enjoyed it but it’s not quite a restock for me. still happy to have been able to enjoy a few cups of this one while i’ve had it.

Terri HarpLady

Yay to lots & lots of TEAS! hahahaha

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2201 tasting notes

I’m going through some of these LPDT samples that I’ve had for a while but never tried so I can decide which ones I will drink the rest of and which ones I will swap and/or put in the TTB (if it ever comes).

They recommend steeping this one for 5–7 minutes. I can’t imagine! I did not follow that, though I did use their recommended temp. The resulting tea tastes kind of… odd. I can’t really parse it, and I think it’s the fruity floral flavors combined with the dark, roasted oolong. These are not things that go together in my mind, and I wanted this to be a green oolong. I also can’t for the life of me figure out which fruit and flowers are supposed to be in here. It is very confusing. The base is actually not too roasty and pretty nutty, so I feel like it would have been a great candidate for a chocolate/nut based tea. But no, fruity florals. Once I got partway through it started growing on me a bit, so it ended up being a drinkable tea, but definitely not one I would seek out again. Such has been my experience with LPDT… nothing quite amazing, but a lot of decent teas.

200 °F / 93 °C 3 min, 0 sec

I got their flavored samples too and was not real impressed with most of them…


they are not impressive, do agree !


I know this is an old review, and you may not even care, but I agree with the summation – lots of nice teas, but nothing I can’t live without.

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814 tasting notes

aka “tea of dreams”
i guess i didn’t know this was lower in caffiene, and now i’m super glad to hear it. cuz i had 4 cups of tea today already and i’m about to have 2 more.

i made this in my timolino to take to the movies. me and a friend went to go see “Inherit the Wind” which is about Darwinism vs the Bible Belt and stars Spencer Tracy and Gene Kelly and the guy who plays Darren on the original Bewitched. the movie was very fun and full of zingers. i was definitely entertained. also sometimes it’s sad how some arguments from fundamentalists never change.

this is another tea that i bought while in Paris and my sinuses were infected and i couldn’t smell anything and i would ask my boyfriend to describe the smell. so we did our best. the tea is flowery and fruity and the smell is strong to me but the flavor is mellow. and i love it way more than i thought i would. which is even awesomer since i have more of this tea than any other right now. yay!

now i am home, have re-organized my room a bit, and am drinking 221B Tea as i watch the new ‘Elementary’ episode and next i’ll watch the past 2 weeks of new Doctor Who while i drink the ‘Weeping Angel’ tea i just brewed. i’m gonna end this weekend on a high note.


Sounds like a great plan. I’m about two weeks behind on Doctor Who as well..


i watched like 3 episodes last night! and i still have yesterday’s to watch. maybe i’ll even do that tonight. i like staying caught up so i can listen to the DW podcasts i like and so i don’t get too spoiled.

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4843 tasting notes


A very fruity Oolong. I tasted more fruit than flower … and more fruit than Oolong tea with this cuppa.

I was a little disappointed by that, because generally speaking I prefer more tea flavor than flavoring … I do enjoy a flavored tea, but, when the flavoring overpowers the flavor of the tea, part of me has to ask, why bother? you know? Sometimes, the flavor is so amazing that I let it slide, but, this time, I was disappointed.

I didn’t hate it, but I didn’t love it either. It was alright.

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2816 tasting notes

Another sample from Palais de Thes… this is an oolong and it smells very fruity in the tube. I decided to steep it according to their instructions which was 5-7 minutes at 205 F. At that amount of time my cup is much darker than the one which appears on their website. I may try to cut the steeping time down with the rest of this sample.

Overall, the flavor is okay but it’s complicated. I am definitely getting fruity, I sense some stone fruit flavors here that I quite like. I almost wonder if this tea is scented in some way though because it is kinda perfumey, maybe that’s the flowers. I could really do without the floral element in this tea. I do like some floral teas but not others yeah, I’m picky like that. :) Sometimes I think one flavor element in a tea is really enough.

This is not a great morning tea for me, I would probably prefer something like this in the afternoon. It’s ok but not something I would purchase right now. They have a couple of other oolong blends, one is a tropical and one is a straight up fruit blend, those look better to me.

205 °F / 96 °C 6 min, 0 sec

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111 tasting notes

I like to drink tea in the evening after dinner. This tea is perfect for that moment.
First of all it contains a lower theine level than regular oolong, which did not prevent me from sleeping soundly afterwards a whole teapot. Secondly the taste is both fruity and flowery, quite mellow.
I left sometimes the tea brewing for much longer than the 5 recommanded minutes; however the tea did not turn very bitter.
I enjoyed this tea and even bought a second 100 g-pack. However during the second one, I started to like it less and less, as I noticed the quality compared not as great as Mariage Frères blends. One of the things that really started to irk me was the oily remains at the bottom of the teapot and cups, after brewing this tea, which gave me the impression some of the flavors were brought through adding perfumed oils to the tea leaves or to the flowers.

205 °F / 96 °C 5 min, 0 sec

Do agree Palais des thés proposes nice blends but nothing equivalent to Mariage Frères. Never tried le thé des songes but I drink thé du Hammam the evenning and it is really nice.


I’ve read your review about Thé du Hamman and thought I should try to smell it (and possibly buy;)), if I manage to drop by Le Palais des Thés, in addition to Mariage at Christmas.
Have you noticed any oily puddles also ?


je peux t’envoyer un échantillon du thé du Hamman si tu veux.

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3294 tasting notes

This tea started out ok for me. The aroma of the leaf hints at peach, roasted oolong, & light florals. The flavor didn’t really deliver any of the flavors promised, other than a very lightly roasted oolong & a physical discomfort on the tip of my tongue that I associate with artificial flavors. There was also a soapyness/perfuminess that built up after a few sips…blech!

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523 tasting notes

One of my last few samples from Shmiracles

The leaves smell like fruity and alcoholic. Not a winning scent for me. But the tea tastes quite different than it smells. I can’t figure out how to describe it accurately. The best I can come up with is spices, possibly clove among them. But not spicy like a chai, it’s more delicate than that. The alcoholic scent that I detected before lingers slightly in the flavor. The rest I cannot describe. I can’t say that I am a fan, but is an intriguing flavor nonetheless.

200 °F / 93 °C 3 min, 0 sec

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96 tasting notes

Brewed in a big teapot.
Spicy and a little bit fruity.
Ok for a tea of this price, however the spicy taste is a little bit too strong for me

Boiling 5 min, 30 sec

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87 tasting notes

2022 Palais des Thés Adent Calendar

200 °F / 93 °C 4 min, 0 sec

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