Don’t let the affordable price of this tea fool you! This is a top shelf tea produced high in the mountains of one of the most unique terroirs of Taiwan, the Eastern Coastal Mountain Range. The muddy, fertile soil and copious amounts of Pacific Ocean fed rain give this area’s tea a fascinating and distinct ‘coastal’ character.
The upfront taste of this mid-oxidized oolong can only be described as ‘oceanic’, like a light, fresh and flowing, slightly salty ocean breeze. This quickly transforms in the mid mouth to a rich ripe dark fruit and thick wide mouthfeel so familiar to the Jinxuan(Milk Oolong) cultivar.
The affordable price of this tea comes the fact that it is from a lesser known area and that it was machine picked. The fact that a good friend of ours picked it also helps! The flavor and generally character of this tea is truly unique, and should be more well known. We will try to get the word out as best as we can!
Elevation: 1000m
Status: Agrochemical Free Farming
Cultivar: Jinxuan
Oxidization: 45%
Season: December 2023
Method: Machine picked, processed on site, very small batch
Region: Cikashan, Hualien
Recommend Brewing Style:
Gong Fu Style: 3-5g per 100ml, ~100C water, 30, 45, 60 then add 5-10 seconds steeps in gaiwan. Lasts 4-5 steeps.
Western Style: 3g per 100ml, ~90c water for 2 minutes. Lasts 2-3 steeps