Bourbon Street Vanilla Rooibos

Tea type
Rooibos Tea
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205 °F / 96 °C 4 min, 30 sec 8 oz / 236 ml

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From Metropolitan Tea Company

Fruity with sweet notes. Vanilla flavoring gives the rooibos a wonderful exotic jazzy depth.

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7 Tasting Notes

985 tasting notes

My tea of the evening…. Basic vanilla rooibos decorated with almond slices and yellow petals. This one is pretty good as far as rooibos goes. I am not a big fan of rooibos, but I do think it lends itself well to vanilla flavors. Oddly, this tea really gives me a full feeling. I also need some sleep tonight, so I am skipping black tea this evening.

This one is actually from The English Tea Store online. I know I have it listed as Metro, but Metro teas are everywhere, and with a free shipping deal, English Tea Store has some of the best prices online for 4 ounces. It is where I stock up on this tea as well as Earl Grey Cream.

24 oz teapot, 6 actual tsp rooibos blend, freshly boiled water, 7 minutes. Lightly sweetened.

Boiling 7 min, 0 sec
Jenn 14 years ago

Yeah, yum.

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33 tasting notes

Very aromatic and soothing! I haven’t had this one hot steeped in months, but from what I recall, it is fairly mellow with a warm, comforting, “homey” feeling given by the vanilla and almond slices. They don’t add too much flavor to the rooibos, but it makes it a little more rounded. Excellent cup if you add a bit of honey…really brings out the vanilla and makes this cup deliciously creamy and desert-like.

Boiling 5 min, 0 sec 1 tsp 8 OZ / 236 ML

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1 tasting note

First time to taste this rooibos. I felt it the minute I opened it, this was going to be one on my fav list. Added a bit of honey then settled in for a nice relaxing warm-up on a cool night. I am so ready to add this tea to the shelf in my shop! Love it!

190 °F / 87 °C 2 min, 45 sec

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28 tasting notes

3tps for 3 cups water. The leaves were red small with bits of vanilla. You could really smell the vanilla.

The liquid is light amber and you can smell the vanilla. I’ve never tried a rooibos and this is very light flavor. I don’t really know what to write. I like it but I think I should have added another tsp of leaves. I think it might be better a little stronger. I keep thinking I want to sweeten it but it doesn’t need to be sweetened.

I will be trying this again.
205 °F / 96 °C 3 min, 0 sec

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606 tasting notes

Free sample from a place in town. They gave it to me when I went in and bought other teas last year! You can never go wrong with free samples!

I don’t know why, but I had it in my head that this tea was peach. (Honestly, I never truly looked at the name of it. I don’t know why.)

It’s a very smoooooooth vanilla tea. Absolutely amazing. It’s refreshing and just perfect. No sugar in it. It’s sweet enough on its own. I love the vanilla and it seems to compliment the woody-ness of the rooibos just perfectly. Wow. I didn’t think I’d like this one. Guess I was wrong!

Would get again. But must drink down more first!

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15 tasting notes

One rounded spoonful of tea leaves creates a beautiful orange-red-coloured drink with noticeable vanilla flavour.
For red rooibos lovers, this is highly recommended. I usually drink this without sugar or milk and after steeping for about 5 min, the leaves still provide satisfying flavour after a re-steep.
My favourite for lazy (and cold) afternoons.

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