Thanks for sharing this one, Sil!
The aroma of this one is really quite intoxicating. Kind of a fresh strawberry cream sort of aroma. It’s making my mouth water like crazy (and even though I’m not a big fan of scented products, I kind of wish my room smelled like this all the time!)
The flavour is pretty tasty as well, and true to the aroma (I’m picking up on that slight bit of artificialness as well) – but unfortunately, it’s also quite astringent. I only infused this for 2.5 minutes, so that’s kind of disappointing; perhaps a dash of milk and sugar would help. I still have half of my sample left, so I can try brewing this a bit differently for round 2, because I really am enjoying the flavour! One of the better strawberry/fruity black blends I’ve tried. Current rating is indicative of the astringency, which makes me all sadface :(
ETA: Astringent but otherwise tasty second infusion, that I managed to confuse with that of the raspberry oolong I also had on the go. Whoops. Strawberry and raspberry are similar…
Got any Steepster friends in Toronto? Maybe you can do a group purchase and divide the 100g to make it worthwhile for everyone. =)
they will make up a sample for you if you ask nicely :)
maybe 15g
Indigo…yeah but the offer was then proceeded by “but it can be more expensive that way” which to me means….“we don’t really want to be doing that”
true, it doesn’t leave them with much profit. Not so bad if you pair it with another purchase. Say a to go cup or another full 50g of something else etc