Tea type
Herbal Yerba maté Blend
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Edit tea info Last updated by Roswell Strange
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From Leaves of Leisure

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4 Tasting Notes

16374 tasting notes

Right now this tin is up in the front of my mate shelf and for a couple weeks now it’s felt like it’s been staring at me every time I walked by it. Finally, on Saturday, it was sunny and warm enough that I didn’t feel guilty brewing up a cup of this. I mean, logically I know I could have made it any day regardless of the weather but this just felt… right.

It was nice with soft notes of mixed fruits and a rosemary finish. It’s a more thin tasting tea in general, so I wasn’t expecting anything intense and because of that the combination of aromatic rosemary and the soft fruits ended up creating this sort of warm, glowy feeling. The blush pink liquor, I’m sure, only added to that.

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