An interesting herbal evening tea while catalogging japan lupicia teas.
I won’t rate this one, this go around since I don’t know if I am doing this right.
First mug i put 2 tea bags in this thinking, “hey it says 8 oz of water, I have 14 oz.” Ulck! It was all evergreen tree sap. Like you could raise the dead with this stuff.
Second round: ding! ding! I only used one tea bag for 5 minutes and let it cool down.
Tasting note: Hmm. I get a really sharp medicinal bitterness at the end which reminds me of all the years I crushed/chewed meds that were supposed to be swallowed because I hadn’t developed the swallowing reflex/technique. Lol. This tea is very bitter and medicinal and strong. Pinesol, resin, some sweetness before the medicinal bitter attack. I am giving it two more tries of different brewing methods and if it doesnt behave, im exiling it.
It smells wonderful though, like a sauna or evergreens on a hot day. I guess i could brew it for aroma therapy too. Haha.
If you don’t like it, here I am! I liked all Juniper Ridge teas.
I like mint and sage and douglas fir tips ones but it seems likely i will not enjoy this one. Get back to you if it is not a good fit for anyone in the household.
Potent herb, definitely medicine for me. I don’t know how anybody could casually sip yerba santa.