Sassafras Tea Concentrate (formerly Pappy's Sassafras)

Tea type
Herbal Tea
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Edit tea info Last updated by Cameron B.
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150 °F / 65 °C 0 min, 15 sec

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16 Tasting Notes View all

  • “First iced tea of the season necessitated by the first push mow of the season. Got half our big backyard done and I’m limp—vegetation so thick the blade felt like it was caught in wet spaghetti....” Read full tasting note
  • “Well I’m not crazy about it, but I was curious. I do very very much enjoy anything slightly sassafrass-y and this makes a respectable tea. I haven’t tried it hot, but if you make it cold you have...” Read full tasting note
  • “As many times as I’ve made sassafras tea from scratch I’ve never thought to ice it down, but the bottle of Pappy’s Sassafras Tea Concentrate comes with directions for making iced tea. After...” Read full tasting note
  • “Yummy memories of childhood in this cup. When I was a lil’ kid in the hills n’ hollows of western Pennsylvania we’d dig sassafras roots in the spring after the new leaves appeared. Wash em’ up and...” Read full tasting note

From H & K products

Sassafras Tea Concentrate
North America’s Original Tea
And Health Beverage
No Sugar added – sweeten if desired

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16 Tasting Notes

3012 tasting notes

First iced tea of the season necessitated by the first push mow of the season. Got half our big backyard done and I’m limp—vegetation so thick the blade felt like it was caught in wet spaghetti. Welcome to Missouri. There was still snow on the ground last week.

At any rate, this is quick-no steep time whatsoever; in with the cold water and boom! there you go. Root beery goodness. We can find this in local grocery stores; I wonder if it gets scarcer the farther east and west you go.


Had some of this last summer in Indiana. I don’t think there is an real sassafrass in it as I think it is illegal – though we used to cut our own root to use.


My mom used to make rootbeer from scratch as a kid sadly, she never showed me how. I have never seen Sassafrass Concentrate up here but I bet it is wonderful.

It’s crazy how fast things grow when the season grows into full gear. I worked on a wildlife project in Northern Ontario in University and I remeber thinking the roads were so wide when we first arrived and within a week they would seem to shrink by a third to a half in size as the vegetation started to leaf out.

Tommy Toadman

I got some of this one in the kitchen, Good Stuff!


Quick Google and here’s the scoop; the ingredient called safrole is what was considered dangerous, but safrole-free products are on the market;


I’ve purchased it in Maryland, so it’s made it to the Atlantic coast. :)

Tommy Toadman

The bottle of Pappy’s that I have here is Safrole Free :)


Good stuff. I like to keep some on hand, though my husband prefers the actual root.

Ah memories…I had a push mower when I lived near Little Rock, AR a few years back. The back yard was a swamp half the time and I kept joking about needing pontoons for the mower. When I could actually mow, it was a major battle between me and the lawn, usually with me on the losing end…


I remember Sassafrass tea from my childhood…M&D would dig up some roots in the early spring and boil them to make tea. Yummy…who new it was a carcinogen….

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175 tasting notes

Well I’m not crazy about it, but I was curious. I do very very much enjoy anything slightly sassafrass-y and this makes a respectable tea. I haven’t tried it hot, but if you make it cold you have to make it much stronger.

Iced 0 min, 15 sec

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2145 tasting notes

As many times as I’ve made sassafras tea from scratch I’ve never thought to ice it down, but the bottle of Pappy’s Sassafras Tea Concentrate comes with directions for making iced tea. After following the directions for making the tea “gourmet style” I felt that the tea came out weak tasting; the ice really watered down the flavor. Instead I preferred to follow the “serve it cold” directions by mixing 1 1/2 ounces of tea concentrate with a cup of cold water. Both methods produced a tea that reminded me of root beer minus the sugar and fizz from the carbonated water, which was exactly what I had expected since sassafras is one of the main ingredients used to make root beer. The tea left me wanting to add a few heaping teaspoons of sugar to my cup, which I would have done if I had had any sugar on hand. The flavor was much as I remembered, although when I make the tea from scratch it seems to turn out much more flavorful. My experience with Pappy’s Sassafras Tea Concentrate left me wondering if I could use it to make a quick, not quite from scratch, root beer without the fuss of having to boil down all of my ingredients. Check back soon to see how my experiment making root beer using a bottle of Pappy’s Sassafras Tea Concentrate turned out.

You can read the full review on my blog:


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34 tasting notes

Yummy memories of childhood in this cup. When I was a lil’ kid in the hills n’ hollows of western Pennsylvania we’d dig sassafras roots in the spring after the new leaves appeared. Wash em’ up and cut into shorts. Boil awhile and hot cups of yummy tea. Didn’t know about the safrole back then, but didn’t drink enough to really matter. Pappy’s is good stuff, hot with truvia. Enjoying some right now.

185 °F / 85 °C 0 min, 15 sec

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