Monk Blend

Tea type
Black Tea
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195 °F / 90 °C 3 min, 45 sec

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3 Tasting Notes View all

  • “Loose Appearance: red-brownish black slight crinkle in leaf, bright yellow petals noticeable Aroma when Dry: tart, fruity floral After water is first poured: fruity, syrupy At end of first steep:...” Read full tasting note
  • “Another sample from ToiToi It’s slightly astringent. I can taste the vanilla and the black tea. The vanilla is not too powerful as it is in other blends that I’ve had. However, a third flavor, I...” Read full tasting note
  • “Got a big 4oz bag of Monk Blend from Green Hill Teas. I get a Strawberry smell and a bit of Vanilla from opening the bag.. not a lot of tea smell at all from the dry tea. I steep at near boiling...” Read full tasting note

From Green Hill Tea

Medium bodied and flavoury with piquant Ceylon character. Blended with natural flavor oils of vanilla and grenadine, which impart a smooth and unique heavenly flavor.
Infusion: Bright and Coppery.

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3 Tasting Notes

189 tasting notes

Appearance: red-brownish black slight crinkle in leaf, bright yellow petals noticeable
Aroma when Dry: tart, fruity floral
After water is first poured: fruity, syrupy
At end of first steep: sticky syrupy, grenadine most noticeable
Tea liquor:
At end of first steep: brownish red
Staple? No
Time of day preferred: unsure, first tasting
At first: tart, slight tang of the grenadine notes, vanilla closes
As it cools? notes open, layer, tea sours
Additives used (milk, honey, sugar etc)? No
Lingers? yes, with a sour and vanilla cloying tanf

195 °F / 90 °C 5 min, 0 sec

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523 tasting notes

Another sample from ToiToi

It’s slightly astringent. I can taste the vanilla and the black tea. The vanilla is not too powerful as it is in other blends that I’ve had. However, a third flavor, I assume its the grenadine, is a bit too masculine-flavored to me. I suppose the blend is aptly named. I’m enjoying my cup for what it is, but I won’t be buying this one.

195 °F / 90 °C 3 min, 0 sec

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16 tasting notes

Got a big 4oz bag of Monk Blend from Green Hill Teas.
I get a Strawberry smell and a bit of Vanilla from opening the bag.. not a lot of tea smell at all from the dry tea. I steep at near boiling for a little under 3min. Now the liquor is a nice brown/red with that same strawberry vanilla sent a bit more of the tea smell on the cup then in the bag. The taste I get the black tea flavor mixed with the fruit and vanilla.. and it is good.. get a little dryness at the end, but over all a very satisfying tea.
Make Tea Not War

195 °F / 90 °C 3 min, 0 sec

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