Irish Breakfast Tea

Tea type
Black Tea
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Dried Fruit, Malt, Nutty
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205 °F / 96 °C 4 min, 15 sec 9 oz / 275 ml

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66 Tasting Notes View all

  • “…and this lovely, finished! Made a giant, hearty milk and sugared mug for homework doings. Stout but a little mellowed by time. Just tasting a hint of raisiny stone fruit flavors. I think this tea...” Read full tasting note
  • “For me, this tea is fresh bread. The kind of bread that is dense, hints of yeasty, is almost sticky in the middle and has little bits of chopped nuts and seeds in it? Yeah, that kind of bread. ...” Read full tasting note
  • “I drank this tea all day at work today. ifjuly sent me a generous sample, and I spent the day with it. I don’t have much to say about it. It was great, nice smooth blend. I really enjoyed it. ...” Read full tasting note
  • “It’s gray and peaceful outside but warm and comfy inside. I had the previous cup of malty assam and it left me wanting something more, something maltier and more great flavor. I reached for this...” Read full tasting note

From Golden Moon Tea

Combining ultra-premium estate teas, this blend far exceeds the typical Irish Breakfast. Beautiful golden tips highlighted against deep black leaves. The robust flavor is equally elegant and complex. Rich and malty character, with subtle notes of ripe cherries, dark prunes, and hints of hazelnuts and honey. Full bodied, dark in the cup, and further enhanced with a touch of milk or cream. A connoisseur’s breakfast tea.

About Golden Moon Tea View company

Golden Moon is dedicated to offering outstanding, whole-leaf teas of the greatest quality and finesse. All Golden Moon Teas are hand-plucked and meticulously crafted to enhance leaf character, aroma, color, clarity, body, complexity, and above all, flavor.

66 Tasting Notes

237 tasting notes

Ah, a nice strong black tea to start the week. The dry leaves smell surprisingly fresh and fruity, almost like a rich plum jam with hints of spice. I’ll steep it for five minutes as I’m in the mood for strong flavors right now.

Great aroma! Bready, fruity, jammy, and spicy. Wow! Lots going on there. The taste is strong – good stuff – but not overpowered by any one note. The tannins are there, but they wrap themselves easily around the other flavors. I’m getting the flavor of cinnamon rolls with this…wish I had one right now to go with it.

I’ll try the second half of my serving with cream and sugar. Whew, still a strong cuppa, but I like it. This could definitely serve as a great Monday morning wake-up tea for me.

205 °F / 96 °C 5 min, 0 sec

Love this one!

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431 tasting notes

What a great tea…it is a perfect start to the day. It is rich in flavors, it tasted medium to bold. I tasted the malt in this tea but I will say before it cooled off It tasted a little sour almost tangy. It threw me off a bit but after drinking it some more I really enjoyed it and will drink it again.

Boiling 4 min, 0 sec

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158 tasting notes

This tea reminds me of the Golden Spring from Adagio that I like so much, with a slightly darker, slightly less savory flavor profile, but definitely more fruit, and a lot of depth to the fruit flavors you can detect. It has a lovely aroma. In terms of taste the ‘ripe cherry’ quality they tout is not difficult to find at all. Neither is the prune, though there isn’t as much here of that flavor as I’ve noticed in other blacks, perhaps because the malt quotient here is slightly less. There’s something else here in the flavor that I’m trying to identify and having a difficult time placing a name too. It isn’t bread…oh, what is it? It drives me a little bit nuts when I can’t place a subtle flavor with its analogue! Something roasty.

I like it quite a bit. There’s enough savory sweetness to the cup that I could easily drink this all of the time. In fact, if I hadn’t ordered quite a bit of Golden Spring, I would probably be content to consider making this my default Easy Drinking Black for a while.

195 °F / 90 °C 4 min, 0 sec

Bready and roasty? I might have to try this one, even though Irish Breakfast teas are often too harsh for me.


I think I might modify ‘roasty’ to ‘bake-y’, after discovering that Auggy found the same note in her cup that I did. It’s definitely behind the fruit, but it kept popping up as I worked through it…subtle enough to make me wonder if I was going crazy, but there! Everybody has been saying it’s an exceptionally mild Irish Breakfast (I don’t have much experience with Irish Breakfast generally, so I’m taking them at their word), so you might find it a good option. :)

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15 tasting notes

So this is my first sample from my Golden Moon Sampler box. I was bummed that it was so tiny…I usually use 4tsp. per mug and this was maybe 2? I used the whole thing with about 8 oz. water and I wish I would have used even less (water). It was good but I didn’t get everything out of it that most of the reviewers did. I’m chalking it up to being a newbie or maybe the tea water ratio. I still enjoyed it, just not as much as I was hoping to and since it’s gone there’s no “do-over”.

205 °F / 96 °C 4 min, 0 sec

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251 tasting notes

Did I mention that I ordered the sampler from Golden Moon? The one with a sample of every tea they carry? It comes in a really pretty box as well.

This tea is wonderful!! After it brews it smells like TEA. I think that when the aliens come to earth and ask about tea, this might be a good one to give them.

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187 tasting notes

So. Pretty!

I’m finding that I really love the way teas with golden tips look. The black and gold just look so amazing and beautiful together… it really makes the experience all the more worthwhile.

Anyway, when I opened this little packet by GM this morning, I was hit with a lot of different and complex yummy notes. Earthy, fruity, dark, complex. Even some sweetness thrown in there for good measure.

The wiry leaves are very pretty; the whole thing just looks high-quality. So I steeped up a teaspoon of this in the IngenuiTEA. The leaves didn’t expand all that much, but they did unfurl a bit, and the resulting cup was a deep copper. Not as dark as some Irish Breakfasts I’ve seen, but still fairly dark.

On first sip I was in happyland. There’s actually a lot of complexity in this cup. It’s fairly smooth at the forefront of the sip, with lots of notes of fruit, and a slight subtle sweetness. As you swallow, a subtle maltiness presents itself, with just a bit of astringency. There’s a lot of the earthy flavors that are present in most blacks. I have no idea what prunes taste like, so I couldn’t find that in my tea. But I could see the cherry, and even perhaps some honey as an aftertaste. There is a mild sweet component to this tea, which I liked. It’s a fairly complex and subtle black by itself, so I don’t think this is one IB that you’d want to put milk into immediately.

Overall, I was a bit disappointed that there wasn’t more of a malty “kick” that I associate strongly with a good Irish Breakfast, but the interesting flavors that kept peeking out of this cup more than made up for that lack. It tastes like it’s high quality, and I think it could function on two levels: as a daily drinker, and as a fun, tasting journey as you try to nail all of those components that are highlighted in each sip.


Mmm, that sound yummy! And yay for Happyland! Hehe!


Oooh, this sounds like a fun tea! The purchase of a GM sampler of my very own is not far off now. Next week is gonna be out. Of. Control.


Yay! Takgoti is joining the GM fun! We all need a new sampler, keep pushing Samovar to offer a sampler of all their tea :D


@Ricky Hee, no pushing necessary! Samples should be coming in the future. I don’t know when, but I was told they’re on the way. As for a sampler of all their tea…that, I don’t think is on the menu.

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244 tasting notes

It’s become apparent to me that I can’t really tell one black tea from another. Not yet, anyway. This isn’t the best cup of black tea I’ve had, but it’s very nice. Its fragrance is comforting, as the tea smells exactly like what I think when I think black tea. This is a very humble, unassuming tea; it just ambles along, dum dee dum, doing its thing. It’s that A- student that gets her grades by keeping her head down and getting her work done, not by wriggling in her seat with her hand in the air every time the teacher asks a question.

Boiling 8 min or more

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412 tasting notes

I… expected to like this more than I did. It’s ok, but I’m pretty sure I’ve had Irish Breakfast teas I liked better. It’s too fruity for me, I think, and too light for an IB. The 2nd steep was still drinkable, but noticeably lighter in color and flavor (orange rather than red).

3.5g, 12oz water, milk and sugar; 2nd steep 6 minutes

200 °F / 93 °C 3 min, 0 sec

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111 tasting notes

I guess you know what dropped on my doorstep yesterday? Well if you guessed the GM sampler you’d be CORRECT! I decided to wait till this a.m. to try something and a pulled out all the breakfast blends as I’ve never had a tea that had breakfast at the end of the name it was between English Breakfast, French Breakfast, and Irish Breakfast. I picked (obviously Irish) and it really does hit the spot.

Dry leaf is green and golden tipped and the dry leaf just smells of tea. Steeped a cup for 5 minutes and I have a reddish golden cup what I think Jim Marks in one of his posts referred to as chestnut color.

Steeped it tastes like tea a very smooth cup with the tiniest hint of astringency. If this tea is what I would be served with my breakfast while in Ireland I wouldn’t complain. :)

205 °F / 96 °C 5 min, 0 sec

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102 tasting notes

This isn’t bad by any means, but it wasn’t quite what I was hoping for. I was hoping for something strong, robust and malty. It looked promising in the cup — dark liquor, fragrant. But then I sipped it and was … underwhelmed. I had to add a little sweetener to bring out the flavor, and the flavor was OK, but not strong and powerful. It was a mild black tea flavor with a hint of plum. Kind of nondescript. Drinkable, certainly, and pleasant, but not something I see myself going out of my way to drink again.

When it comes to Golden Moon’s black teas, Sinharaja is my favorite so far.

205 °F / 96 °C 4 min, 15 sec

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