
Tea type
Herbal Tea
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Edit tea info Last updated by Roswell Strange
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4 Tasting Notes

6444 tasting notes

Sipdown (261)

Thanks for sharing Roswell Strange! This is fine but not one I want again.

It’s lemony in a lemongrass sort of way. That’s about it.

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15588 tasting notes

cup of sweeet lemon. Nothing too exciting but nothing offensive either.

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6119 tasting notes

Sipdown! 260/365!

Stressblocker… sounds like a good tea for me right now. The teabag smelled lemony and kind of a herbally sort of sweet, but not overly so; the herbally aroma predominates in the brewed cup, however. Likewise with the flavour – there are certainly lemony overtones, but it kind of tastes mostly like a herbally blend, which I can’t pick out specific ingredients from. But – something in here is bitter, like citrus pith. It lingers on the palate after swallowing, and I’m not the biggest fan of it.

I grabbed the packet to look at the ingredients, and this is a strange mix of ingredients! Mistletoe(?!), bean peels, birch leaves, lemongrass, nettle leaves, St. John’s wort, gingko leaves, flavouring. I’m not sure what is contributing the bitterness, but I’m unfamiliar with the majority of these ingredients, so who knows! Maybe I’ll be lucky and it will have some sort of stress-reducing effect, though.

Thanks for the share, Roswell Strange!

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16967 tasting notes

A strong lemony profile but one with a decent amount of clarity and flavour, without tasting medicinal at all or harshly tart. You can tell that there’s also a great deal of lemongrass in the blend, as well. It’s simple and plain, but for a bagged lemon tea it’s also fairly nice. Pretty average overall, but I like to always have a bagged lemon option around (for when I’m sick) and it’d be perfectly content with this being that bagged lemon tea if I didn’t have anything else on hand…

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