jasmine black tea

Tea type
Black Tea
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Edit tea info Last updated by keychange
Average preparation
8 oz / 236 ml

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  • “So before going to bed last night, I downed a few Advil in an attempt to at least dull my joint pain. Woke up in the middle of the night (but uncomfortably close to morning) and realized that my...” Read full tasting note
  • “this one came to me via keychange who knew that i wouldn’t likely enjoy this one but i WAS curious about a black jasmine versus a green jasmine, which seems to be the worst of everything for me. ...” Read full tasting note

From Fleur Tea house

Jasmine flowers are layered between the black leaves during the production process. The fragrant flowers impart an ethereal floral character to this Chinese tea.

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11 Tasting Notes

513 tasting notes

So before going to bed last night, I downed a few Advil in an attempt to at least dull my joint pain. Woke up in the middle of the night (but uncomfortably close to morning) and realized that my joints actually do feel a bit better if I dare say so myself, but I had, like, raging cramps. And I was very wtfy about the whole thing because seriously? cramps? who gets cramps at my age? (I’m 28). And as I lay there remembering my teen-aged years, I felt so juvenile. Like I didn’t want to go into work only to sit in my office doubled over and have my boss ask what the matter was and have to tell her I have cramps of all things! anyway, after a cup of this tea, I’m actually feeling a bit better. Moving around a bit helped, plus this tea is quite gentle and unobtrusive at the best of times, and despite overzealously getting like 200 g of it back in November, I’m kind of glad I had it. We complain about it from time to time, but it’s just so wonderful to have a real tea collection isn’t it? And it’s funny how intrinsically bound up with memory it all is—as I was sipping my tea, I remembered the first time I had it. I was in Ottawa, and had just finished my last licensing exam, and it felt so wonderful to sit in the warm, cozy teahouse with my best friend and drink lots of tea with breakfast.

No breakfast for me this morning though—just this tea. Now off to go to work. David’s tea after work today!!


Feel better! Also, not to make you feel worse or anything, but cramps can be a reality at ANY AGE (well, almost).

Sami Kelsh

I totally still get cramps and I’m teetering on the edge of 30. I feel your pain. warm cuddles


My cramps have never gone away – I didn’t expect them to so at least it doesn’t bug me on that front! I also get ‘growing pains’ sometimes which makes me want to laugh. Feel better!


Thanks, anna and sami. I suppose they can materialize at any age, although being on the pill has kept them at bay for the better part of my life now, and I was kind of hopeing that’d just last forever. Cuddles are always welcome!
And uniquity, it’s funny you mention still getting ‘growing pains’. I get them as an adult too and think it’s so very peculiar. Because I’m done growing upwards…maybe my legs are resisting growing outwards? LOL


Are you the cuddly type, keychange?

And man, don’t get me started on going on/off the pill.


I went off the pill once, and it was one of the worst decisions I’ve ever made. went back on it, and that decision could easily claim second-worst decision. I feel like I’m damned either way.

yes, I am the cuddliest person in the world. There’s pretty much no one I won’t cuddle with if they let me. Snuggling is like, a friendship requirement.

But sitting too close to strangers on the bus is disgusting. Or when randoms fall asleep leaning against you. Or (ooh hate this one) when someone in public is like omg blind person, must grab her and vacuum her away from car (even though I’ll be like walking down a sidewalk and be nowhere near the intersection).

Are you the cuddly type?


So… the cramps would explain the joint pain. I always get arthritic type pain in my knees with hormonal changes. Advil is a wonder drug!

Sami Kelsh

Cuddles good! snuggles everyone


Yay for endless snuggles! Like a good cup of tea, there’s very little that can’t be solved by snuggling, imho.

and morgana, you might be onto something.


I hope you feel better!
And I was on the pill for 10+ years, and finally went off it because I relized the increased cramps were better to deal with than the emotional instability I had when I was on it. It was like insta-tears all the time. Yikes. At least I can take advil for cramps!


Yes and no – I think I’m probably much like you. It’s not possible for me to be chosen family-close to someone who doesn’t like being touched, because that’s one of the most important ways for me to share love.

When it comes to people I dislike, or people I just don’t want to be touched by, though – no. No touchings.


That’s exactly it. Strangers and people who I’m only medium fond of-no touching. ever. And family and chosen family: snuggles always.


You know what it’s called when you cuddle a Steepster friend?

…wait for it…
…wait for it…
…wait for it…


Hue hue hueee.


Oh my god. My day has just been made. That’s perfect!!!


Oh, that’s hilarious! :D

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15620 tasting notes

this one came to me via keychange who knew that i wouldn’t likely enjoy this one but i WAS curious about a black jasmine versus a green jasmine, which seems to be the worst of everything for me. Soooo this one. yeah, i still don’t like it, and i couldn’t drink much of it…BUT! BUT! i actually DID prefer this to a green jasmine. Something about the black muted the floral blaaaaaaaah and made it close to tolerable…almost hahahaha. So thank you for sharing Keychange… it was a fun experiment :) Still a success for me!

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