I am still on my Cheapster Steepster kick trying to thin the herd a bit. This is my first experience with Impra and a black based jasmine.
Ok, so that you don’t have to look it up – this was Brett’s review: Strong flowery perfumy Jasmine flavor, but it overpowered the taste of the Ceylon Black. Not bad if you like Jasmine.
I echo the review except for the last line. Having come to love jasmine recently, I can tell you in no uncertain terms, you can do a lot better. I don’t know if the jasmine is off or if it just doesn’t go well with a Ceylon base. It is not gross like a lot of cheap bagged jasmines but it isn’t satisfying either. I’d much rather have a Diet Mtn Dew.
Spoken like a true Hoosier!
lol. Yeah, I’m weak. Also love Zero Big Red but I am not sure how regional that one is.
Lol, you know in the Ozarks everyone drinks mint dew, & they call it squirrel piss…
Just sayin’…
I am not a mint fan but now I so want to find this. Wonder how my wife would respond is I wrote squirrel piss on the shopping list? ;)
Hey, now…I consider myself an honorary (expat) Ozarkian and I don’t touch that nasty stuff ;)
I Googled mint dew and got nothing. What is this stuff? My wife’s family is from the Ozarks so might not even notice it on her list ;)
Oops…did I goof? I thought you were still talking Mountain Dew, which I think tastes like antifreeze.
Gmathis you are probably correct… and so terribly wrong at the same time :p