
Tea type
Black Tea
Blue Mallow Blossom, Chinese Black Tea, Cream Flavoring, Marigold Flowers, Mint, Raspberry, Rose Petals
Creamy, Mint, Raspberry, Flowers
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Edit tea info Last updated by Dinosara
Average preparation
Boiling 3 min, 45 sec 3 g 9 oz / 278 ml

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17 Tasting Notes View all

  • “sigh. i was so excited when i found this at winners. i must agree with dexter3657….. mint, alas mint. and i say that LIKING mint for the most part! i actually think the issue is compounded by the...” Read full tasting note
  • “This is another tea that I have thanks to MissB! Canada definitely got more of the Fauchon teas than I ever saw in the States. So I’m not usually one for mint in teas, but I bought this one anyway...” Read full tasting note
  • “LOL Ahhhhhhh this would be the mint. Thought my sniffer was off the other night, but as soon as the water hit the leaves, I just got a huge whiff of mint. I’ve commented on other tasting notes,...” Read full tasting note
  • “another tea from MIssB I brewed this without looking at what i was getting into in terms of flavours because i wanted to to be surprised. It smells like a fruity mint….some essence of a black base...” Read full tasting note

From Fauchon

Une evocation au gateau aux fruits rouges et a la creme, a dominante framboise, avec une legere note fleurie de rose.

An evocation to a red fruit and cream birthday cake with dominant raspberry flavor and a small hint of flowery rose.

Ingredients: black Chinese tea, peppermint, flavours, blue mallow, sunflowers, rose.

About Fauchon View company

Company description not available.

17 Tasting Notes

390 tasting notes

sigh. i was so excited when i found this at winners. i must agree with dexter3657….. mint, alas mint. and i say that LIKING mint for the most part! i actually think the issue is compounded by the blue mallow? but i can’t be completely sure.

i don’t taste raspberry, i don’t even smell it. i’ll try again before i apply actual numbers, because i wanted to love this tea…. i really did. and if i apply numbers now… they wouldn’t be happy numbers. (i’d like to try again before i go on record =0( )

Boiling 5 min, 0 sec

I’m not a good judge of this, I don’t do well with mint. I thought this was pretty much all mint with some fruit in the back. But that’s just me. Hope you find the steep parameters to make this work for you.


I don’t know if I’d like mint and raspberry together anyway. But still sucks if it’s more 2D than expected.


I’ve had this tea a couple of times. I didn’t really keep track of brewing parameters, but I generally don’t brew black teas for 5 minutes and I think this time I used a little less leaf than, the first. First of all I do get mint, but I did taste cream and raspberry. Not really cake but I definitely got cream and raspberry along with the mint. I think the cream note might add emphasis to the mint though as it is a cool bitter cream ( like unsweetened whipped cream ), maybe this is what you’re noting James.


thank you, all three of you for your input. try, try again! either i’ll nail it and figure out how to make it work, or i’ll figure out why i don’t like it!


I’m also in the camp where I had to play around with it (their steeping parameters are so vague). Three minutes max and less than boiling is what worked for me.


i have determined that fauchon and i are going to argue argue over who leads, lol.

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2201 tasting notes

This is another tea that I have thanks to MissB! Canada definitely got more of the Fauchon teas than I ever saw in the States.

So I’m not usually one for mint in teas, but I bought this one anyway because I thought perhaps a small amount of mint used judiciously could work in a blend. For me, it does. Does it remind me of birthday cake? Well, not any kind of birthday cake I know. It does, however, remind me of some creamy, minty confection that is really lovely. I like a soft mint, and this is a soft mint. I think it’s kind of like buttermints… those mint candies that are creamy and just kind of dissolve in your mouth immediately. And although I usually don’t go for fruit and mint, the raspberry and mint works here for me. I could, honestly, imagine a raspberry mint buttercream frosting that would taste like this. For once, that sounds really tasty to me. :)

Boiling 3 min, 0 sec

It does sound tasty!

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1040 tasting notes

LOL Ahhhhhhh this would be the mint. Thought my sniffer was off the other night, but as soon as the water hit the leaves, I just got a huge whiff of mint. I’ve commented on other tasting notes, and I really believe that it’s true – if you aren’t crazy about (or sensitive to) a flavor that’s the one that seems to stand out for you.
For me this is herbally, minty, fruity (berry – yeah ok, wouldn’t have said that it screams raspberry though). I’m not getting any black base at all, this could be a tisane to my tastes, and I don’t think I’m getting any bakery or cakey.
This is obviously a quality tea, just not to my tastes.
Thank you MissB for sending me a sample of it, really appreciate it.


I noticed the mint ingredient when I was at Winners the other night. So glad I did, or I would have had 100g of no.


Yep, I try and avoid it as much as possible. Not sure what it is, I can do toothpaste, mint hot chocolate, after dinner mints, but as soon as it’s in a tea – I don’t like it…. :((


I just don’t really like mint at all. Chocolate mint teas are ok sometimes. :)


Dammit! I forgot about the mint in here. I wish I thought about that… bad me. Well, I’m glad you tried it at least.


LOL no worries, you can’t be expected to know/remember everyone’s preferences.

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15575 tasting notes

another tea from MIssB I brewed this without looking at what i was getting into in terms of flavours because i wanted to to be surprised. It smells like a fruity mint….some essence of a black base there.

tasting the tea is like drinking a minty concoction that is tempered by a fruity background. I wouldn’t call it raspberry, though the fruit does sort of pop out at the end of the sip. Mostly though, this is a mint tea. It suits me just fine though as i do not count myself among the haters of mint ;) I for sure could get through a whole tin of this, though it wouldn’t be with any speed as mint is not always the first taste i want. Over all though, quite a nice tea even if it doesn’t remind me of any cake i’ve ever had :)

Boiling 4 min, 30 sec

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2970 tasting notes

A great many thanks to JustJames for this tea, which is the best possible tea to start off my day.
Its my birthday! So a birthday cake tea is the best way to start off my next year of life.
This is like a cream-puff, light and fluffy, though the mint was a bit of a surprise. Still, very tasty, and thematically appropriate!


Happy Birthday!!!


Happy birthday to you!


Happy Birthday!!! Have an awesome day.

Roswell Strange

Happy Birthday!

Terri HarpLady

Yay! Happy Birthday!


Happy You Day! I hope it brings forth a year full of joy, wonder, and abundance.

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1501 tasting notes

I drank the whole mug before I got to writing this, which is a bit of a shame because I tend to forget quite quickly what’s happening with my first impressions of a tea… while there’s a zoo going on around me. You know the drill, a teenager who wants to DO something, a 5-year-old that spilled the liquid chocolate popsicle mix all over the kitchen, a client emergency, and a phlegmy cold. Yep, that’s my Sunday.

The tin for this tea was ingenious, and offered a little cardboard hello as I opened it, basically saying it’s packaged this way to retain the flavors. Neat! I had to slide the top off sideways, then lift a sealed jewelbox -like door to get to the tea, which was filled to the brim. The scent of raspberries wafted up to me, and a touch of… cake?

Steeped, this still smells mostly of raspberries with something else a bit floral in the background. My first taste threw me off, as there was little raspberry. More of a… cakey, minty floral something or other. Intrigued, I drank more, and it evolved. Raspberries did come into the mix, and much more so once sweetened with Truvia. I can taste the rose in there, and the aftertaste is definitely dry raspberries, with maybe, mint? Cooling, dry.

I like this a lot, even though I’m struggling to describe it well. Surprised me, as I was expecting more of a birthday cake kind of tea, like DAVID`s maybe, and this is so much more complex and intriguing.

Felt like this was a long time to steep a black, so I may try for 3-4 minutes next time.

Boiling 5 min, 0 sec

Ooooh, that sounds so good!


Would you believe I found this at Winners? I’ll gladly send you some if you like to try it; I’m definitely going back for more ASAP.


… if you would… Jeepers. :$


Thanks for the offer, but I think I’ll try to run out to Winners and see what I can find! I’ve got one fairly close. :)


Oh, awesome! Let me know what you find.

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564 tasting notes

A mint one for the morning! I wouldn’t pick this out for myself but so far MissB’s guesses for me have been really accurate. Thank you again for all the samples!

The smell of this is fascinating—can something be minty and fruity at the same time? I didn’t think so before this. The taste is mostly mint up front but then changes to be like apricot. I don’t love it because of the strong mint, but it is better than I expected.

ETA: As this cools down it’s almost all mint. It still tastes good-quality, but I just don’t like mint that much. Oh well.

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188 tasting notes

Grabbed this one out of my sample box this morning… Making a small cup and leaving enough for a small one knowing that I enjoyed this the last time I tried it and will have a hard time seeing it go.

Smelled sweet & lovely dry leafed and I had forgotten what the flavor profiles were since my first cup of it. I steeped it up w/o looking at flavors and was surprised by the raspberry & light mintyness… Very enjoyable tea.

A touch of floral notes are present, but only provide a bit of elegance to the cup. Will be a sad sipdown soon.. Been saving this one and L’Automne. So wish they were more accessible to the U.S. Thanks again MissB for sharing them!


I am hoping some day Vente Privee will do a sale again!


What is Vente Privee?


It is a French importer website that occasionally has Fauchon and other exclusive sales! Sign up here and they will email you when they do a sale next http://vpusa.com/wOJTOvF


Thanks. I might have to check that out.

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117 tasting notes

Creamy, raspberry, mint! Not necessarily a cake vibe from this tea, but the flavour combination was delicious! I would love to have been able to try this cold brewed, but I only had a small sample. Give this one a go; it’s a winner.


Flavors: Creamy, Mint, Raspberry

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23 tasting notes

Smell is a mix of mint and berry, which is actually less strange than it sounds. Predominant flavour is mint, but it’s not an in-your-face mint. It’s quite mild (which I really like, mint is something I prefer in small doses) and shows up as a bit of a cooling sensation more than anything.

This is a creamy tea, and I mean that in the usual sense, but on top of that, the cooling from the mint gives an impression almost like actual cold cream despite being a hot drink. There is a floral hint to it, and some of the berry flavour comes in after the tea has cooled down a bit, but to me this is really a cream/creamy mint tea.

I don’t really get any kind of cakiness or association with birthday cake (who’s ever heard of a mint birthday cake?), but this blend does feel a bit like an upscale Santa’s Secret, and my birthday is close-ish to the holidays, so whatever, I’ll take it.

Much thanks to MissB for a whole tin of this! I’m really happy to have this as a part of my cupboard!

4 min, 0 sec 1 tsp 8 OZ / 236 ML

Woohoo! I’m so glad you have it and appreciate it. I was worried you might not… your taste in tea is much more refined than mine! :)


Refined! You didn’t have anything to worry about, I’m still a baby tea nerd.

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