
Tea type
Fruit Rooibos Blend
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Edit tea info Last updated by CHAroma
Average preparation
Boiling 6 min, 30 sec

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From ESP Emporium

Only the best for the spoiled berry, the queen amongst the gourmets … A hint of lemon, just the perfect helping of basil and a carpet of red roses with fanfares! Take this “state visit” home with you and you’ll soon win all votes.

Ingredients: Rooibos tea, basil, flavoring, freeze-dried strawberry pieces and lemon granules (fruit (lemon juice), malt dextrin, natural lemon oil, gelling agent: sodium alginate), red rose petals.

Serving Size: 1-2 level tsp./6oz serving

Brew Temp: 203 to 212 degree F

Brew Time: 8 to 10 Minutes

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7 Tasting Notes

807 tasting notes

Thank you Amanda for requesting this in a trade! I have not enjoyed this in a long time and it was well overdue!
It is very pleasant!

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1118 tasting notes

Tea #21 from the ’Here’s Hoping’ teabox.

I have really mixed feelings about this one. On one hand I was excited because I liked this even with the rooibos base. On the other hand I found the flavor of the tea lacking. I mean with a name like Strawberry/Lemon/Basil I’m expecting flavor/flavor/FLAVOR. Ya know? Everything here seemed muted which left me disappointed. That’s not to say that the flavor was bad. It has a nice sweet flavor from the strawberry, a bit of pop from the lemon, and little hints of basil coming out every now and then. The combination of the three together should have been amazing, but it was just middle of the road.

I might try this one again at some point but not any time soon.

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6768 tasting notes

Thanks Azzrian for this one!
I drank a half of a cup hot and the other half cold while trying to submit trouble tickets for Steepster Dashboard issues today…eeek! I’m going thru Steepster withdrawls!

I do like this one cold a bit more than hot but both are good.

All of the ingredients are mellow but sweet, citrusy, berry/fruity, and delightful! This is an interesting flavored rooibos! Thumbs up to ESP for this creative cuppa!

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4346 tasting notes

Ancient Alphabet challenge – S

Aw, I really liked this one but now it’s quite faded. I could swear I’m only tasting blackberry leaves.  I had to check the ingredient list to make sure that there isn’t actually blackberry leaves here.  There aren’t.  So it’s sad to say this has aged terribly.    I’d buy it again but only when the cupboard is tamed. (Not like I can buy it again.)  Well, that throws what I said in my last tasting note out the window…

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353 tasting notes

Steeped 5 minutes with a bit of sugar.

Pleasant but not blow me away amazing. I’ve been a bit underwhelmed by the teas I’ve tried so far from ESP (three so far, and I still have a handful I picked up to round out my first order with them to try). The flavor in this, like the other teas, is on the weak side. I can barely taste strawberry. The lemon comes through as a slight tartness. Basil? What basil? Oh, there it is but I have to roll the tea on my tongue a bit.

So weird. It’s not a bad tea, but I wish it were MORE.

5 min, 0 sec

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