Classic Phoenix Oolong

Tea type
Oolong Tea
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Flowers, Honey
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Edit tea info Last updated by Jack
Average preparation
195 °F / 90 °C 3 min, 0 sec

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From Element Tea

Fine, long-twisted, single-stem leaves provide a light amber-yellow cup that carries a highly fragrant aroma of honeysuckle and almond. This Oolong has a smooth, delicate finish that you won’t forget.

Brew Time: 3 – 4 minutes

Ingredients: Chinese Oolong Tea

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12 Tasting Notes

4843 tasting notes

This Oolong is Oh-So-Lovely!

I will write more about this later. Right now… I need to be alone with this tea.

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6119 tasting notes

Thanks to Mercuryhime for letting me sample this one, and sorry I’ve taken so long to try it! I think I unfortunately may have underleafed yet oversteeped… it’s kind of astringent yet there’s not a ton of flavour. Of course, I also have plenty of lingering tieguanyin flavour in my mouth as well; I’m sure that’s not helping.

Anyhow, what flavour I am getting is a bit woodsy but also, strangely, a bit green like the TGY. I guess I’ll have to figure out later if that’s just contamination or something… I’ll leave the rating for the time being. I usually like woody oolongs, so expect if I brew this one correctly, I will like it too!

195 °F / 90 °C 3 min, 0 sec

I have an idea how much tea you’ve got so I’m not surprised that a few take a while to get to. :) Hope your next attempt is tastier.


Me too! Haha, I just uncovered your box of stuff recently, and as I’m bored with the samples I’ve had downstairs for a while, I’m probably going to go through a bunch of it in fairly short order! Excited! I’ve been craving some straight teas :D

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6768 tasting notes

Long twisted leaves – completely accurate!

Reminiscent of honeysuckle – indeed! And a bitty nutty. Smooth – very smooth!

Beautiful all-round!

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525 tasting notes

I’m not sure what honeysuckle tastes like…. but if it tastes like a flowery honey, then this is honeysuckle. Smooth and refreshing. It seems to need more leaf than the oolongs I’m used to. Then again, I’m used to balled up oolongs and these are sticky. Perhaps I should start weighing my tea?
By the third steep, something woodsy is coming through to join the honeysuckle.

A very enjoyable oolong. It makes a good everyday tea. One of these days, I’ll have to stop getting new teas and samples so that I can actually drink a tea enough for it to actually be an everyday tea.

Anyway! I wanted to give it a try before deciding if I wanted to send it out on a swap. Turns out this is totally swap worthy so a few lucky leaves are taking a trip a Canada. yaaaay!


I find with dark oolongs which are often long and twisted I have to weigh them out… I kept struggling with getting the right amount of leaf until I broke down and weighed them!




Dinosara – So what’s your weight recommendation for a cup of tea?

Uniquity – :) The leaves are as excited as you are!


I got my weight rec from The Seattle Tea Snob, and I use 4g for a 12oz cup.


Awesome! Thanks! Now to figure out how much liquid my cup holds. :P

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541 tasting notes

This is the very first phoenix oolong for me! I got this from Mercuryhime I believe. The leaves are lovely Looking at leaf size/color/differences is one of the things I love about tea. These are long, wiry, and deep brown.
The tea smells very, hm, clean! It is very sweet and deep tasting. There is a distinct floral note that I keep coming back to. It is very pleasant and a bit roasted tasting on the end of the sip. ahhhh this is a good oolong!

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4338 tasting notes

Additional notes: Waiting ten minutes to steep for 3-4 minutes still results in a hint of bitterness. Maybe it’s just the leaves. Maybe I should be rinsing before steeping. I like the other flavors though… but it doesn’t taste quite the same as it once did. This is really just a note-to-self for future steepings. Lowering the rating for this one (92), since I’ve had about a billion awesome oolongs since this one. Sorry everyone!

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1118 tasting notes

I have been holding on to this oolong for far too long. Oolongs are hit or miss with me, so I’ve let the ones that I have sit in my cupboard unloved until I get in an oolong-y mood. Such a mood struck me tonight, and while it is going to wreak havoc on my sleep it has been a blessing to my taste buds.

This has a beautiful floral note with a nice bit of sweetness. After that there is a roasty note followed by a sharp, but not unpleasant, dryness. I just looked at other tasting notes, and, yes, honeysuckle is what I’m tasting. Wow, this is nice. Sleep be damned. This tea is worth it.

Flavors: Flowers, Honey

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