China Puerh #7

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200 °F / 93 °C 0 min, 15 sec 3 g 4 oz / 118 ml

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From Educational TTB 2

From the Butiki Educational Traveling Tea Box Number 2

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3 Tasting Notes

314 tasting notes

“3 grams of tea in 4 oz water. Start w/ 20 s rinse. 1st (4 oz/20s): Taste is a mix of fruit and wood. Taste starts with fruit and ends with wood. Finish is very long. Flavors are interesting: very complex; not unpleasant, but not overly positive either. 2nd (4 oz/20s):Less fruit; more forest floor, with hints of spice. The long, powerful finish reminds me of a green tea (grassy straw). 3rd (4 oz/20s): light nose with hints of smoke. Flavor seems to be hiding when I sip but opens up into a big finish that is smoky with hints of straw. <90 minute break> 4th (4 oz/30s): Light straw flavor similar to a green tea. There is an undercurrent of forest-floor that comes out in the finish. 5th (4oz, 2 min): Last pots were weak, so I’ll go long for the last steep. The woody/smoky flavors are back. Finish is mostly forest-floor, with a hint of bitterness.

I enjoyed tasting this tea, but my rating is based more on the intellectual pleasure than from enjoying the taste of the tea. While some of the flavors were pleasant, others were a bit off-putting (though never unpleasant)."

Thanks to Stacy at Butiki Tea for putting this box together

200 °F / 93 °C 3 g 4 OZ / 118 ML

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371 tasting notes

From the Butiki Educational TTB 2

I decided to break-in (yeah, poor choice of words haha) my new gaiwan with this one. I just had to try because Stephanie loved it. Since I’m not sheng pu’erh savvy, I was a little worried that I wouldn’t like it as much or be able to discern the flavor well.

OH MY GOODNESS is this even pu’erh?? The other few shengs I’ve had tasted a lot more like green tea and were a little bitter and astringement. I smelled the leaves as soon as I poured the first infusion and was hit with fruitiness: strawberries and cranberries. The liquor has the fruity and mineral qualities of a Wuyi oolong – it’s so delicious! It’s also clear and sparkling and has a beautiful pale yellow tint.

Blown away by a sheng – that’s a first for me.

195 °F / 90 °C 0 min, 15 sec 2 g 4 OZ / 118 ML
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Stephanie 11 years ago

Stacy said this one MIGHT be the 2009 Banchang she just added to the website. I will be ordering some soon (or asking for it for my birthday in a month) and I will let you know how it compares. She said it was definitely in there somewhere and was a higher numbered puerh from the box!!! Whatever this thing was I hope it was the Banchang because I want more! MOAR DELICIOUS crazy fruity SHENG!

KiwiDelight 11 years ago

Oooooo I was wondering where it came from, this mystery sheng. This is one of the best tea I’ve ever tried. I can’t wait to read your review of the 2009 Banchang!!

Cheri 11 years ago

This sounds delicious. I hope there’s some left when the box gets to me!

KiwiDelight 11 years ago

I wish there were enough for everyone to try~

Stephanie 11 years ago

At least if it is indeed the Banchang it is available for sale. Most things in the box aren’t things we could re-order if we fall in love!

KiwiDelight 11 years ago

True. And I’d better not fall in love with anything then :]

Butiki Teas 11 years ago

Stephanine, I’m 95% sure this is the Banchang. I looked through my notes on the recent sampling of puerhs and this is the only one that was fruity. If it is a Sheng, high numbered, and had the baggie was stuffed pretty full, then I’m very confident that was the Banchang.

Stephanie 11 years ago

BANCHANG :D :D :D It is less than a month till my birthday so I am holding off on ordering just in case someone wants to get me birthday tea…so don’t sell out of it! ;)

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1113 tasting notes

Backlogging here…

Whatever this one was, I LOVE IT! It is definitely a raw/sheng puerh. SUPER fruity. Apricot/stone fruit mostly. Wonderful!

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Skysamurai 11 years ago

Isn’t stone fruit interesting?!

Stephanie 11 years ago

YES! Shengs are probably the most interesting teas of all in my opinion :) Especially really good and complex ones like this one!

mrmopar 11 years ago

Shengs will grow on you…

Terri HarpLady 11 years ago

I initially preferred Shu, but that has changed for me.

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