Another one I pulled out at Halloween and then brought to work. It’s one of the older teas in my stash, and I figured it deserved an outing after it started to languish! This one has still retained a great deal of its rooibos woodiness, but the mint comes out well so that’s not too much of a complaint. A long brew time and a splash of milk help the vanilla to emerge, but it’s not a strong flavour. There’s not much in the way of chocolate to be found here, even though there are copious chocolate chips in the dry mix. Maybe a hint in the background.
On the whole, this one isn’t my favourite mint choc rooibos. It’s a little too woody for my tastes, but the mint is pleasantly fresh and there’s a touch of sweetness. It’s not all bad! I’m almost done with this one now, and it’s not one I’d look to repurchase, but I have enjoyed finding out! Again, not really a halloween tea, but the bat sprinkles are certainly cute!