Apricot Carousel

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Black Tea
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190 °F / 87 °C 3 min, 15 sec

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From Della Terra Teas

This tea will take you round and round on a carousel of flavor. From apricot to peach, from pineapple to the black tea and around again. This is a tea for someone that loves a tea that steps away from the norm. Worth a try for everyone!

Ingredients: black tea, apricot, peach and pineapple pieces, silver candy rounds, apricot and peach flavorings

Suggested brewing tips:
Serving Size: 1 level tsp./6oz serving
Water Temp: 210°F
Steep Time: 2- 3 minutes

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7 Tasting Notes

1379 tasting notes

I’m celebrating WOOHOOO!! I have new baby fishes in my large tank. :) My red Platies have given birth to at least two confirmed baby fishes, I’m sure there are more but my tank is heavily planted (for their survival) and it’s hard to spot them. :) Bless.


This blend smells strongly of apricot, very sweet and juicy. Much stronger than expected actually.

Once steeped this tea smells just as sweet as the raw blend but the apricot is a tad softer.

In flavour this is much lighter than the scent but there is a delicate apricot glow amidst a malty black tea and artificial sweetness. That might not sound like a fetching review but it is a nice artificial fruit blend. It’s honestly as expected, I just wish that the apricot carried in flavour as strong as it is in scent. Oh well.

Boiling 3 min, 0 sec

I don’t recall reading how the leaky tank indecent worked out. Did most survive the ordeal? I always loved swarms of Neon Tetras. They are happy fish that get along well with others, unlike angel fish – totally misnamed.


We bought a much larger tank to replace the one that leaked and the fish, shrimps and snails had to be kept in two smaller tanks that we luckily already had (and cycled). We saved all of the fish but after a week few had passed, they were old and it’s hard to tell whether it was the water in the new tank, the shock of moving or just old age that was the cause. As for the shrimps we saved what we could, I think some may have been buried in the sand and I did all I could to search it and find survivors. Same as the snails too.

Well our new large tank is a happy one now and these baby fish are the first to be born there. My tank can home a lot more fish but for now we are slowly introducing them. My husband is considering Clown Loach and a few Pigeon Blood Discus but it all depends on what our local shop has in when we visit.Angel fish are beautiful and deadly, such a shame really. I have one beta fighting fish called Chun Lee so she beautifies the tank wonderfully with her pink, orange and purple colours.

Also not sure if this link will work but if so it’s my tank.

Terri HarpLady

Tony has a huge tank & we’ve had baby fishes from time to time. It’s always exciting!


Awww the link won’t work for me. How big is your tank? I never had a discus. Pretty and so mellow but my tanks were never big enough. The closest to exotic we had were a couple oscars. That was a mistake. They might as well have been piranha. A lone male beta despite the fighting fish name always seemed to get picked on more often than not. The long flowing fins seemed to invite nippers. I raised them a few times years ago. The male blows a bubble nest on the surface and puts the eggs in the nest, then guards the nest until they hatch. You can’t keep a pair or two males in the tank together but I always enjoyed them.


This should work

It’s 250 litres which is the largest that we have had before. I used to have a few Oscar fish, one male and two females…he was always pulling up the plants to make his bubble nest but the woman were never interested. Shame, the babies would have been nice. Platies are all that we have had success breeding so far but it just happened naturally, we didn’t try to make them breed. Well our shrimps and snails breed like crazy but the only fish I mean.

Our beta is a lone female in a tetra tank, she spends most of her time towards the top of the tank singing elegant Oriental songs…of that is how I picture her anyway. The tetras are old and leave her be.

We do have a red finned shark though that is being a bugger in the big tank at the moment. He chases the others to claim territory but he thinks he owns it all. :(


Your tank looks fantastic!


Wow, that is a big tank – I had to look up a conversion (66 gallons).
I love the red fin sharks. Buggers for sure but mostly harmless. The small shop where we used to buy our fish had a black shark that was about 25 cm long (yeah I look that conversion up as well). They called him Killer.

I loved Platys. Swordfish and Mollies also breed easily in a tank. I had albino Mollies. Don’t get Guppies started. They’re like cockroaches except they are much cuter.

I never had success with live plants. I’m impressed. How do you root them?


Sorry it’s taken me 2 days to reply, it’s been a very busy weekend. My husband uses a product called Seachem Flourish Excel which gives potassium and nutrients to planted tanks. It’s rather expensive but works very well, plus you only use a few drops per week so it lasts a long time. Rooting is a quick result from this solution, a few weeks after using it the roots are deeply buried under the stones so they don’t get pulled up. Our shark loves to strip plants of their leaves though so unfortunately a few plants never get to blossom.

We used to have Balloon Mollies but they didn’t breed. My husband said he is thinking of getting some Sword Tails to breed with our current Platy fish.

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4338 tasting notes

Additional notes: I wanted to try this one again with Della Terra’s suggested brew time of four minutes… but I think it went to five. It still has an odd flavor while I am sipping it hot, but it does taste better as it cools. Maybe cold brewing would be better? Somehow it tastes sweeter when cold, but not as sweet as it should will the candy thingies and sugar crystals in it. I had at least one fruit chunk in my infuser – it was apricot and I ate it. :D I’ll up the rating, but it still isn’t my favorite from DT. (Original rating 71)

5 min, 0 sec

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323 tasting notes

Thanks to Della Terra Teas for this sample! I won it in one of their plentiful Facebook giveaways.

The tea is great. The dry leaf smells really strongly, and that’s good. There are little silver candies and silver flakes in it, which I’ve never seen before, but it actually makes the tea sparkle in the light! I still have enough for one more mug, after this pot plus the bit I parcelled off into a swap, so I’m definitely going to go glass with it.

I taste what is definitely apricot. Which is great, considering some of the lackluster apricot teas I’ve had in the past. I think it’s hard to get right. The flavor is a little bit light, but that’s probably because I went light on the leaves. There’s no astringency or bitterness anywhere. Really, really smooth tea, really good flavor. A winner!

Boiling 2 min, 0 sec

How pretty!

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3294 tasting notes

I came home from my gig yesterday in the mood for a sipdown. Michelle sent me teas months ago, & I still haven’t drank some of them, so I randomly reached into the envelope & pulled out…this?
Egads, I’ve been avoiding this one…it’s creepy looking…it has silver candy balls &…sparkles, for heaven sakes…just the idea of having things like that I my tea kind of freaks me out.

Oh well…might as well get it over with.
So I did.
Actually, it was much better than expected, with a believable apricot flavor to it even. Not something I’ll ever buy, but I’m glad I faced my fears & survived.
Thanks Michelle

Lariel of Lórien

You most try it as a cold brew, so much better.

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2145 tasting notes

I almost didn’t order this because of the Silver dragées in it, I really don’t want tea that sparkles, and I don’t think they really add anything to the flavor of the tea. Honestly, I’d rather see them on my christmas cookies than in my tea. I went ahead and ordered it anyway because I love apricot and thought this would make a good iced tea. Funny enough, it’s August and I’m hardly drinking any iced tea, the high here has been in the low 70s so I’ve switched back to hot tea because our low temps have been in the low 50s. Very odd summer weather…

While I think that Della Terra has a lot of really tasty teas and I’m a huge fan I think I may stop ordering peach/apricot flavored teas from them. Is it just me, or do they all taste pretty much the same? I cold steeped this wasn’t nearly as sweet as when I tried it hot so that was a definite plus. The apricot flavor misses the mark a bit, it just doesn’t taste anything like the apricots I had for breakfast this morning, but it isn’t the worst apricot flavoring I’ve tasted. Overall I feel pretty meh about this one.


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224 tasting notes

So I went through and resorted the teas I’ve tried into more specific bins, splitting them up between stuff I’d reorder/maybe reorder/just finish off. I find myself sorting pretty often, but hopefully this sorting will stay for awhile. Lol. There were a handful of ones left over that I wasn’t sure about, so I just get to retry them all again I guess. Lol. Which worked out since I realized that I never put up a note about some of them and I could now, this one included.
I love the smell of this. I could just put this in bowls around my apartment and let it scent my apartment if I didn’t want to drink it so much. Lol.
I also love the little silver candy balls that they have in this. My Mom used to have these in her baking cupboard (probly still does) and I remember sneaking a few now and then to crunch on when I was younger. She got so annoyed with me but never hid them away like she could have. So I’m very tempted to just pick them out and crunch on them like I used to. But I let them be.
Brewing this up it has the same scent as the dry which is awesome. My first sip I get the apricot pretty strongly, which is very nice. So is the subtle peach and the faint hint of pineapple I get now and then. Especially after I add a smidge of sugar to it. Makes everything pop a bit better.
I was curious so I pointed a flashlight into my teacup and had to grin at the sparkles that I saw there. It reminds me of DavidsTea’s Glitter and Gold that has the same sort of sparkle to their brewed tea.
Definitely one I’d keep in stock because the flavors are so nice together.

Edit – Second Steeping – 4 min/same temp – The second steeping isn’t that bad. A bit weaker, but that’s to be expected. I guess I shouldn’t’ve picked out the big chunk of apricot before doing the second steeping. Lol. Still, not bad for a second steep. I’ve certainly had worse.

205 °F / 96 °C 3 min, 0 sec

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