Swiss Mountain

Tea type
Black Tea
Not available
Chocolate, Cream, Mint, Candy, Peppermint, Tea, Vanilla
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Edit tea info Last updated by Raven
Average preparation
205 °F / 96 °C 4 min, 0 sec 17 oz / 502 ml

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47 Tasting Notes View all

  • “SIPDOWN! god i love a clean tea cupboard. All sort of productive tea drinking going to be happening…oh yes! Downgrading this because as i’ve come to learn, della terra chocolate and i rarely get...” Read full tasting note
  • “Sitting in the library analyzing a Swedish textbook, which I used many moons ago, for a paper. Simultaneously brings back memories and makes me feel old. On that note, the name of this tea makes me...” Read full tasting note
  • “I have a take it or leave it relationship with mint chocolate, depending upon my mood. I’m glad I had the chance to try this tea in my chocolate try me pack. The flavor is nice with the black tea...” Read full tasting note
  • “This didn’t taste so much like After Eights this time, but I did enjoy it. I’ll have to drink more of Read My Lips to determine a fav. And then keep 1oz of that around. Sipdown. ” Read full tasting note

From Della Terra Teas

If you are a fan of minty chocolate, especially when combined together in a candy then this tea is for you. With real peppermint and chocolate pieces along with mint brittle you will be left with a minty, refreshing and chocolaty treat in your cup. A true breath, errr, drink of fresh air… I mean tea!

Ingredients: black tea, chocolate bits, peppermint, brittle

Suggested brewing tips

Serving Size: 1 level tsp./6oz serving

Water Temp: 210°F

Steep Time: 2- 3 minutes

About Della Terra Teas View company

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47 Tasting Notes

15575 tasting notes

SIPDOWN! god i love a clean tea cupboard. All sort of productive tea drinking going to be happening…oh yes! Downgrading this because as i’ve come to learn, della terra chocolate and i rarely get along. this has got some blechy chocolate taste going on with the mint that is just not my happy place.


In your opinion, which companies whip up a great chocolate flavour?


I’ll have to think about that one. It’s a hard flavour to capture without tasting overly artificial.

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1792 tasting notes

Sitting in the library analyzing a Swedish textbook, which I used many moons ago, for a paper. Simultaneously brings back memories and makes me feel old. On that note, the name of this tea makes me wish I were in Zürich again. Sigh.

As for this tea, peeps are right. This smells like After Eight. Compared to DT’s Read My Lips, the peppermint has more POW. It’s cooler and evokes images of After Eight’s luscious, creamy centre.

Steeped, it smells almost the same, but as for the taste, this is definitely more pepperminty. Also less sugary, probably because the mint brittle in this isn’t just plain sugar like the candy lips you get in Read My Lips. The chocolate is a little darker too.

I should really stop comparing things. But that’s how my world works, yo.


Meh. Comparisons are useful! Especially for tgose who’ve had more of DavidsTea than Della Terra, For me, this just reaffirms that I should get more of this instead of ordering Read My Lips.


Ah, too bad you don’t have a store nearby, because then you could just order it to go or get 10g. Maybe you’ll luck out and get a sample of it in one of your orders! Because you never know, you may end up liking RML more? It depends on what you like.


I figured out the major difference, it’s the peppercorns in RML! I have to taste test again but I much prefer the Shamrocks and Shenanigans so far. And I might prefer this one to RML too if I give it a fair (unbiased) chance


(I can see how that may have been obvious to others but it’s been awhile since I drank RML and when rereading the label I was like “OH, that’s why it smells so spicy compared to the other two!”)


Hmmm… IDK about the peppercorns. I guess I could get it as a go-cup someday, but I seem to like DTT’s chocolate teas more than Davids so I should just make a DTT order. :P


I think the peppercorns are what bumps RML to the bottom of the 3 for me, now that I’ve had the chance to taste 2 similar ones. Poor RML, we used to be so close.


The odd part is for me, the peppercorns don’t seem to make a difference. They’ve been really sparse in both bags I bought in the past, so the one or two that end up in my pot (I usually brew two cups) don’t do anything anyway.

I still need to try the Shamrocks and Shenanigans. I hope the little shamrock candies won’t make it too sweet.

But I agree, so far, I prefer DTT’s chocolate.


Ahaha, couldn’t figure out in my emails what on earth RML stood for :P Had to actually navigate here to check.

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357 tasting notes

I have a take it or leave it relationship with mint chocolate, depending upon my mood. I’m glad I had the chance to try this tea in my chocolate try me pack. The flavor is nice with the black tea base. It’s a good tea if you’re into the chocolate mint thing (I got 2 steeps out of the leaves); but the flavor is just not for me.

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1598 tasting notes

This didn’t taste so much like After Eights this time, but I did enjoy it. I’ll have to drink more of Read My Lips to determine a fav. And then keep 1oz of that around.



I found it hard to determine a favourite too. But while Swiss Mountain smells better, RML tastes mintier and has a more solid base? Or maybe my memory is failing.


Hmmm. Too bad I don’t have more Swiss Mountain to do a proper comparison!


Have you tried DTT’s Shamrocks and Shenanigans? I actually liked that one the best. It has a shot of vanilla on top of the chocolate and mint.


That sounds tasty! I hadn’t tried it.


I snagged 100g before they took it off the site so I’ll make sure you try it. :)


Aww, thanks!

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1186 tasting notes

SIPDOWN – reading about all the new chocolate vday teas from Della Terra made me want to drink up my last cup of this! Not as much chocolate in this cup I don’t think, but still tastes very good! Now if I can sip down enough teas, maybe I will treat myself to some of the new blends from Della Terra. Hehe :) see previous notes on this tea!

Boiling 3 min, 0 sec
Della Terra Teas

Thank you! :)


No problem :) I love your teas! I want to try so many more of them!!

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1220 tasting notes

Ohhh yeaaaahhh this hits the mint spot! A bit of coconut milk creamer, (I forgot I had this, so it is now in full effect…I also just bought a gallon of almond/coconut milk for something different, since that cost me a whopping $4 altogether!) a couple drops of agave, and this is like…chocolate mint frosting topped thin mints. Yeah, that good.

I really have nothing else to say as I am too busy sipping away. It’s chocolate and mint and it’s delicious.

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358 tasting notes

Ahh, it feels good to be back on Steepster after a little break. The last part of the semester was absolutely crazy. I am so ready for summer break – bring on the sun!

This tea smells like rich chocolate and mint, very nice. The tea liquor has a black tea and chocolate aroma with just a hint of mintiness. The flavor is of silky and smooth chocolate with a refreshing minty finish and aftertaste. The flavor reminds me of a peppermint patty, like liquid candy. I added a little milk and sweetener and this became the perfect cup for this somewhat chilly spring day.

We are fostering four kittens for the local Humane Society and they are in the bathroom right off of the kitchen. They are in one of their playful moods and romping all over. If you didn’t know there were kittens in there you’d wonder what was going on, considering all of the noise they are making. I am in love with every single one of them, especially the little runt who has a few health issues, but is doing much better. :)

-Dry blend has medium black tea leaves and twigs with small chocolate chips and small pieces of peppermint leaves.
-Dry leaves smell like rich chocolate and fresh peppermint. Tea liquor aroma is of black tea and chocolate with a hint of mint.
-Tea liquor is a clear medium golden brown color.
-Silky strong chocolate flavor with a refreshing soft minty finish and aftertaste.
-Best with milk and sweetener.
-Very good tea. Silky smooth chocolate and mint flavor. Reminiscent of a peppermint patty.

205 °F / 96 °C 4 min, 0 sec

welcome baaaack!

Josie Jade

thank youuuu!


Kittehs! My hubby is making googoo eyes at me asking me to foster another litter of puppies. He loves puppies, and babies. Fortunately, he is satisfied in the baby department since my youngest is fifteen, so puppies it is!


Welcome back!

Josie Jade

Aw, I can’t imagine how much fun puppies would be! We’ll see how we do with the kittens and maybe (maybe!) try puppies in the future. My fiancee is already asking if we can keep one of the kittens, so I don’t know how successful we will be as fosters, hahaha!


Oh man. So many puppies would be ADORABLE but I would run away in horror. :P I had two puppies (at the same time) and it was just insanity. They chewed up everything and I didn’t know who to blame. Neither of them wanted to get trained to “go” outside and they would rile each other up to destroy more. They were both lady labs and they grew up into great dogs, but the year or so of puppyhood was exhausting.

At least kittens are pretty good at figuring out that litter box thing. Oh man… I would love so many cats!

Josie Jade

I can only imagine what a handful puppies would be! We have 2 of the 4 kittens running around the house (the other 2 are still in quarantine for an upper respiratory infection). They are already hanging from the shower curtain and curtains and getting in all of my plants! It’s going to be a long couple of weeks, haha! But we are loving it!

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1764 tasting notes

I need try this side by side with Peppermint Bark. I know these are different teas but their profile isn’t strong enough in my memory to determine how much or in what ways.
This is good. Lukewarm, it’s minty and refreshing. I can SO picture myself standing on a Swiss mountaintop drinking it!
Cooled entirely, it’s quite a bit creamier with less of that round sweet note that comes along with mint blends (which is good, better this way I think)
Yeah, I will definitely enjoy the rest of this sample! unless someone else wants to try it.


Yeah, I can totally picture you on top of your mountain Indigo, going like yodel-ay-hee-hoo !!


LOL TeaFairy, love it! I’ve never tried yodeling. I imagine it’s pretty cathartic :P

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772 tasting notes

After reading all the reviews on this tea, I have to say that I’m rather excited to drink it. I really like mint chocolate. Can’t say my palate is clean though, still tastes like the organic from-a-box mac and cheese. Why is it that the crappy for you Kraft stuff always tastes better than the “good” stuff? Because it wasn’t very good.

And this is very very pleasant. The chocolate is clear for once (I don’t taste chocolate very well in tea for some reason) and the mint is present and the sip and really present in the aftertaste. The tea is there but subdued and not really upfront, leaving that for the mint and chocolate. This is really a very good mint chocolate tea.

I have one more cup after this that I’m going to try to drink hotter than this one, which is lukewarm because I was eating. Can’t say I will definitely do it though because I’m at Chapter 5 of the second Dresden Files novel and it might suck me back in again.

I’ve finally become active on Goodreads again, so if anyone is interested in being Friends on there, comment and I’ll follow you (if I’m not already).

Boiling 3 min, 0 sec

I am terrible at Goodreads because I go through months of just reading fic, not books. :) I’ll try to remember to look you up when I’m back on a computer.


I’m under my real name so you can PM me when you get around to it.


And I have the same problem with fic but I’ve not been in a fic mood lately.


Me too. I think. Gosh, even my Facebook isn’t under my real name..

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1445 tasting notes

I polished off this sample from Cavocorax today, just in time to get my tin of Irish Breakfast.

This is a nice and simple chocolate mint tea, in the vein of Read My Lips by David’s Tea which I can’t help but compare it too. Both are After Eights in liquid form but this one has more minty freshness and dark chocolate vibe, and less of a cloying sugar effect than Read My Lips. Peppermint is typically sweet enough on its own for me so I’m OK without the extra sugar.

I completely forgot to try this with milk or baileys. Chocolate teas and milk sound like they should be the best of pals. Small regrets.

205 °F / 96 °C 3 min, 30 sec

I think I may like this on account of the lack of peppercorns :)

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