Sampler Sipdown September! Felt in a green tea mood, and I won’t have time to gong fu until the weekend, so I’m just going to western brew this Dazzle Deer sampler of Bi Luo Chun in a big ol’ mug because I want some Bi Luo Chun now.
I’m still getting that beany flavor I get from Bi Luo Chuns, though this one is a bit lighter than some of the other ones I’ve tried, having a bit more of a grassier clean green taste in the background. I’m also not getting any spice notes like I’ve found in other Bi Luo Chuns, and without that anise/pepper flavor, the somewhat meaty taste my palate sometimes reads from that beany/spice flavor as bacon is instead reading more like seafood, shrimp or scallop. It’s lightly vegetal, with a slight sweet pea flavor toward the end of the sip. This is probably one of the least impressive Bi Luo Chun of the ones I’ve tried. It’s also from a different harvest year, as I believe the other two I tried were 2018, and this one was a 2017, so maybe the lack of spice notes has to do with either age or harvest date. I definitely preferred the ones with the hints of anise or pepper, though. This was still a relaxing green tea and a nice accompaniment to my vegetable soup for dinner, just lackluster in comparison with similar teas I’ve had fairly recently.
Flavors: Beany, Green Beans, Meat, Peas, Sweet, Warm Grass, Vegetal