Cool Eucalyptus

Tea type
Green Tea
Not available
Fruity, Herbs, Hibiscus, Medicinal, Menthol, Mint, Sour
Sold in
Bulk, Loose Leaf, Sachet
Edit tea info Last updated by Michelle
Average preparation
190 °F / 87 °C 3 min, 0 sec

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Stuffy nose? This caffeinated cold relief tea is packed with powerhouse ingredients designed to help clear your sinuses.

Schizandra is an antioxidant-rich superberry that’s been used in traditional Chinese medicine to increase energy and fight fatigue.


Currants, hibiscus, spearmint, juniper berries, green tea, blueberries, eucalyptus, schizandra berries, natural flavouring

About DAVIDsTEA View company

DavidsTea is a Canadian specialty tea and tea accessory retailer based in Montreal, Quebec. It is the largest Canadian-based specialty tea boutique in the country, with its first store having opened in 2008.

12 Tasting Notes

490 tasting notes

From the Samurai TTB
Smells like a minty cough drop. Tastes like a minty cough drop. I could try to add ginger or honey to make it more palatable, but I think there is a reason eucalyptus is relegated to cough drops and vapor rub.


Have you tried DT’s Cold 911? I wonder how it compares. I feel like the eucalyptus hits me in the face on that one as soon as I open the bag.


I haven’t tried that one, I usually go for Throat Coat or Gypsy Cold care from traditional medicinals when I’m feeling sick. Or strait peppermint.

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1780 tasting notes

I bought this tea because it sounded weird. It is indeed quite weird. Maybe a little too so. I don’t think I’ve ever had a tea with eucalyptus in it, so my curiosity was peaked enough that I neglected to notice hibiscus in the ingredients. Surprisingly, the hib isn’t overwhelming! The cool euc mix is strange and a hard taste for me to acquire. I chose it today because my lungs have been feeling restricted and I thought it might help open them up on top of my inhaler. Not sure it’s doing the trick, but it was a high bar in the first place. I’d like to try this cold steeped sometime.

190 °F / 87 °C 3 min, 0 sec
Mastress Alita

Even the air out here in Idaho is terrible, so I definitely feel for all my BA friends. Smoke is one of my migraine triggers and I’ve had terrible migraines for weeks, I’m hoping a home air filter will help some. Please take care out there!


Thanks! The air has finally cleared up in the past few days (after that weird apocalyptic orange day) and it’s amazing being able to go outside to clear skies. Sorry all the smoke has headed your way! Hope the migraines stay away. We bought a third air filter for the house and that has helped a ton.

Mastress Alita

I’m trying to get a small air filter but they are a hot ticket item right now! I hope it helps. An evacuation was just issued about 20 minutes away from the town I live in, so we have plenty of our own smoke to contend with!

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294 tasting notes

Odd combination of the mint and fruit that was somewhat off-putting at first but was something I could adjust to.

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2987 tasting notes

Sipdown of yet another small amount

I don’t love this tea (sour and fruity mixed with medicinal mint and eucalyptus? Yuck) Much like cold 911, someone thought medicinal herbs would go perfectly with something acidic. It reminds me of a cough drop, actually. I do love wintergreen and spearmint flavour so in many ways I like some aspects of this blend. Without the fruity and sour notes this would be a fine herbal.

Flavors: Fruity, Herbs, Hibiscus, Medicinal, Menthol, Mint, Sour

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6119 tasting notes

Ick, not for me. It’s marginally less bad than some minty teas, and I believe that’s because I like wintergreen more than peppermint, but it’s still a resounding no. Unsure what eucalyptus tastes like, and whether or not I’m tasting it here. Probably, and I probably don’t care for it. I suppose the name of this tea is accurate though, it’s certainly cooling with the wintergreen!

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1968 tasting notes

Sipdown 13-2021
There’s just something a bit off about this blend. The cooling eucalyptus and spearmint is fighting with the tart hibiscus and berries. Sadly I can’t taste any of the green tea or juniper. Happy to have finished this one off!
*Apparently my opinion of this tea has changed drastically since I last had it.


I usually like weird savory blends, but I could not get into this one.

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561 tasting notes

Tried Cool Eucalyptus in store on Boxing Day as a sample and loved it. Got a tea of the day to go a few days later to make sure I liked it before buying some more and I hated it. Plus, it was a red-ish color now instead of golden but I could still smell the eucalyptus so it was the same tea. I had a free sample coming my way from an online order, so I decided to try it again as maybe they just over brewed it or something. I am glad I did! I really like this tea and would imagine it would be helpful when feeling sickly. I steeped it at green tea temperature from my variable kettle and for 1 and half minutes only and it is the golden color like the first time I tried it.

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16956 tasting notes

I still don’t love the taste of this tea, but a coworker and I were talking about ‘tea baths’ and she said that she thought this tea would be a really good choice for a tea bath. I was skeptical, but she convinced me to try it out.

So, earlier this week I split about 40g of tea into four different tea sachets and let that soak into a newly drawn bath. Weirdly, it actually made the bath water look this super dark olive-y/black colour. So it DEFINITELY infused into the water. Interestingly, the strongest aroma throughout the whole bath was the wintergreen. It was very lovely though; aromatherapy in a sense. I did find the bath quite relaxing and enjoyable; and while it was mostly the aroma of wintergreen the eucalyptus came through a little too. I thought it was really therapeutic, good for my muscles and I just felt super stress free afterwards.

So, maybe I would actually buy this tea again – but purely for bathing in, not for drinking.

Friendly reminder that I do not numerically rate DAVIDsTEA blends as I’m currently employed there and it would be an obvious conflict of interest. Any blends you see with numerical ratings were rated prior to my employment there. These reviews are a reflection of my personal thoughts regarding the teas, and not the company’s.

Cameron B.

Eucalyptus and wintergreen sounds perfect for a spa-like tea bath!

Mastress Alita

I always loved eucalyptus for bath products, I only very recently ever tried it in tea and found the flavor of it a bit bitter so it makes perfect sense to me!

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