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Green Tea
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Edit tea info Last updated by Roswell Strange
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From Cuppa'T Specialty Teas

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1 Tasting Note

16875 tasting notes

So, last week my Dad and Step Mom had me over for a fondue thing and when I was there my step mom very excitedly showed me the teas she’d recently purchased from Cuppa’T here in town. She offered to make me a cup of one of them, and since I’d tried the Vanilla Green she I chose the other one, which was a green tea with cherry.

However, I can’t remember what it was called! I want to say Sakura Cherry, but I could just be assuming that ‘cause it’s sort of what every company calls their green tea/cherry combo tea. I mean, that’s what DAVIDsTEA calls there’s so maybe I’m just thinking of that name from work? And the tea she got isn’t listed on the Cuppa’T website either, so… it’s a mystery tea, I guess.

Regardless it was pretty good; very strong cherry notes as well as a presence of something really floral. It didn’t look like there was any in the leaf, but could have been rose or maybe jasmine? It was a nice complimenting flavour. The green tea base was obviously sencha which is not my favourite by a LONG shot. However, even I have to begrudgingly admit that it does go with the cherry pretty well. A bit astringent, though.

Wish I could remember what this is called…

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