Ayurvedic jasmine vanilla

Tea type
Herbal Tea
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Edit tea info Last updated by malomorgen
Average preparation
205 °F / 96 °C 7 min, 45 sec

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  • “Smells nice. Just barely feel that pure jasmine scent that i dislike. Color is becoming dark red. Maybe even most red tea I’ve had so far. Which is slightly surprising for a vanilla/jasmine...” Read full tasting note

From Chinois d'Or

Rounded, Ayurvedic herbal fruits. Fruity and fresh with delicate jasmine notes.
Through high quality natural teas the body receives valuable plant materials that he needs to feel good.
Smell fruity, slightly
by jasmine. Taste fruity, but not sour and pleasantly sweet vanilla.
Cup Color: medium red
Ingredients: Fruit cups of hibiscus flowers, licorice root, ginger, beetroot, cinnamon, cardamom, vanilla, jasmine flowers, Malveblüten. Contains no caffeine.
Blattgradierung / editing: fine / Fanning

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1 Tasting Note

227 tasting notes

Smells nice. Just barely feel that pure jasmine scent that i dislike.

Color is becoming dark red. Maybe even most red tea I’ve had so far. Which is slightly surprising for a vanilla/jasmine tea.

Taste is quite fruity, can feel hibiscus, ginger, cardamom a bit. Idk about vanilla and jasmine – its just too much strong scents in it to recognize them all. Slightly acid. Has some exotic taste in it, ginger and cardamom give it a nice kick but it’s still just bit above average fruit herbal tea.
Gotta try with a teaspoon of honey. Might make it better.
Yes it is somewhat better. Not great…
Pic: http://i96.photobucket.com/albums/l188/malomorgen/Teas/ajv.jpg

EDIT couple hours later
it’s twice as good cold :D

205 °F / 96 °C 7 min, 45 sec

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