Cup Scent: butter, toasted nuts, flowers, savoury seaweed sprinkles (subtle)
To taste, it follows the precedent set by the scent, making for a savoury cup full of cream, butter, nuts, and gentle flowers. It’s probably the most mild “Jin Xuan,” natural or scented, I’ve had in recent times. It’s nothing special in my books, but it’s buttery-cream profile makes for a comforting cup, with excellent steep value.
I drank up all my other Jin Xuans, so it’s nice to discover I have some left. I didn’t realize what this was or pay too much attention when I initially placed an order online. It took seeing the unfurled leaves to realize what this was. Whoops.
Steep Count: 6
Florals reminiscent of dandelion came out strong on the third steep. It reminds me that dandelion wine is on my “too try” list.
(2016 harvest)
Flavors: Butter, Cream, Dandelion, Floral, Roasted Nuts, Vegetal