Raspberry Jam & Cashew Butter

Tea type
Oolong Tea
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Astringent, Bitter, Floral, Raspberry, Butter, Nuts, Nutty, Pastries
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180 °F / 82 °C 3 min, 45 sec 10 oz / 310 ml

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32 Tasting Notes View all

  • “The raspberry flavour certainly comes accross which I really enjoy. Tastes like real dried raspberrries, no artificial or chemical strangeness in here! I love quality teas and I can certainly tell...” Read full tasting note
  • “This is probably one of my favourites from Butiki’s final batch of teas, and sadly one of the ones I have the least of. Luckily for me it resteeps very well! The raspberry flavour comes across the...” Read full tasting note
  • “Really enjoying this tea! Not so much hot, it was much better cooled down. Funny, it was kinda bland freshly brewed so I added some sugar to bring out flavours. Now I wish I hadn’t so I would know...” Read full tasting note
  • “This has a nice raspberry flavor—much stronger than in Chocolate Raspberry Waffle, happily. It’s creamy and nutty, though nothing about it really says cashew specifically. I don’t like green...” Read full tasting note

From Butiki Teas

Our Raspberry Jam & Cashew Butter tea starts out jammy and finishes with a buttery cashew flavor. Our Organic Sparrow Tongue adds to the buttery flavor and texture and provides a nice full-body. Adding brown crystal sugar will increase both the sweet jam and buttery cashew for a dessert treat that would go perfect with a scone.

Ingredients: Organic Sparrow Tongue (Chinese Oolong Tea), Organic Cashews, Freeze-Dried Raspberries, OrganicRead more

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32 Tasting Notes

1193 tasting notes

The raspberry flavour certainly comes accross which I really enjoy. Tastes like real dried raspberrries, no artificial or chemical strangeness in here! I love quality teas and I can certainly tell the difference compared to cheap teas. I am not a tea snob but I do seem to delight in a more refined cup now and then. This one is good but it’s not one of my favourites from Stacy. The fruitiness is my favourite part but I find it a tad bitter and astringent overall and I can’t really detect the cashew. What I do detect though, is a mellow floral note which is lovely. Re-steeps wonderfully!

Flavors: Astringent, Bitter, Floral, Raspberry

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681 tasting notes

This is probably one of my favourites from Butiki’s final batch of teas, and sadly one of the ones I have the least of. Luckily for me it resteeps very well!

The raspberry flavour comes across the most prominent, followed by the Sparrow’s Tongue, and then ends on a creamy cashew note which lingers. I wouldn’t exactly say it’s ‘jam’ or ‘butter’ reminiscent, but raspberry and cashew for sure. The raspberry note is fresh and juicy, and the creaminess of the cashew goes with it beautifully. I am so glad it uses an oolong base rather than a green, because I’m not the biggest fan of greens in the first place but I think many of them would have been too savoury here. The oolong is a perfect alternative. It’s naturally sweet and buttery, which goes so well with both of the main flavours, and it’s just so darn robust. I got three fantastic Western-style steeps out of this, the third being mostly oolong but still with a hint of cashew and a lingering note of raspberry. The first and second steeps were virtually indistinguishable. I’d love to try brewing this gongfu, but sadly I don’t think I have enough leaf. I bet it would have been wonderful.

180 °F / 82 °C 4 min, 0 sec 1 tsp 8 OZ / 236 ML
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greenteafairy 8 years ago

This was one of my favorite Butiki final-batch teas too (and I don’t even like green oolongs). That raspberry…

Crowkettle 8 years ago

Also my favourite out of the Butiki’s last blends, but I’m biased towards the oolong base. I’ve yet to find a suitable replacement for Sparrow’s Tongue, although I haven’t tried very hard.

Nattie 8 years ago

@greenteafairy – I do love Butiki’s raspberry. Stacy had some blends with green bases I don’t normally like which I’ve ended up loving too. It’s part of her wizardry, I think.

Nattie 8 years ago

@CrowKettle – I looove the base with this! I never tried it on its own but I wish I had. It’s probably for the best though, parting is hard enough already…

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1764 tasting notes

Really enjoying this tea! Not so much hot, it was much better cooled down.
Funny, it was kinda bland freshly brewed so I added some sugar to bring out flavours. Now I wish I hadn’t so I would know how it is at lukewarm without any additions. Oh well.
I really like the jam aspect, and I’m digging the rather mild cashew influence as well. With that extra dollop of sugar, it is quite jammy! I do miss Stacy. Her teas generally taste like what she intends, unlike so many others I’ve tried where you have to try so much harder and guess at other blends.

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Plunkybug 9 years ago

I do wish I had had the chance to try this one…

Indigobloom 9 years ago

I have one cup worth left, if you want I can send it to you!

Plunkybug 9 years ago

Are you sure? I would not want to take your last cup.

Indigobloom 9 years ago

It’s about time we did a swap anyhow :)

Plunkybug 9 years ago

Ok then…send me a message with what you want to try. I need to go through my cupboard and update it though, do bear in mind I may not have everything there right now…still, send me a list and I’ll see what I can do for you.

Indigobloom 9 years ago

kk I’ll msg you on fb later!

Plunkybug 9 years ago


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333 tasting notes

This has a nice raspberry flavor—much stronger than in Chocolate Raspberry Waffle, happily. It’s creamy and nutty, though nothing about it really says cashew specifically. I don’t like green oolongs, generally, so the sparrow tongue base doesn’t quite do it for me, and I think I would’ve preferred a green base—maybe a bi luo chun?—with these flavorings. Still, this is a really nice blend, and one I wouldn’t have minded more of were Butiki still around.

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1345 tasting notes

Woefully, this is a sipdown. It’s probably a year old at this point and the flavors have certainly mellowed with age. In my last tasting note, I said this blend reminded me of raspberry thumbprint cookies. The flavor is much less specific now; the raspberry is more generic juicy berry and the cashew cookiness is a general nuttiness. This blend is still delicious and I got a solid three steeps out of it, but it’s a good thing I have finished it off before the flavors faded further.

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199 tasting notes

Smelled so good while brewing, and mostly lived up to the smell. I wish there had been a touch more of the cashew flavor. Perhaps with sweetener, it might peek out a bit more.

I think all of my Butiki reviews are going to end up being short, since I don’t want to think too much about them or I’ll risk feeling super depressed that I can’t ever get them again…

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1445 tasting notes

This floral, buttery-sweet oolong makes for a particularly floral and buttery jam and nut butter. At the best of times it’s a cup full of scone goodness, but something about the flavouring doesn’t quite do it for me. It’s still an enjoyable tea, albeit one I won’t miss too much.

This is more me saying goodbye to Stacy’s Organic Sparrow Tongue (I will find you again!).

Cue my Beatles-inspired Organic Sparrow Tongue theme song: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lgd15XcAzys

Flavors: Butter, Floral, Nuts, Raspberry

180 °F / 82 °C 4 min, 0 sec
Fjellrev 10 years ago

I wouldn’t put it past John that he sang about tea at the breakfast table.

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149 tasting notes

First of all, this is one pretty tea, dry leaf and after steeping. If I wasn’t rushing around trying to clean my house today (only stopping for tea…because one must stop for tea…), I would’ve taken some photos of it for myself. I’ll have to do that next time I drink it. :)
It smells just like its name, which made me have to force myself to stop sniffing the bag and actually get to making the tea.
I love how light the liquor is… it goes right along with the delicate nature of this tea, because to me, it is delicate, and I love that. The aroma as I sip is so lovely…
Yup. This is a tea for me. :))

(and…thank goodness Stacy included two little tea tins as extras, because I managed to drop my bag of this into my dog’s water dish!!! I almost started crying, until I realized the bag had sealed itself completely, and I hadn’t lost ANY tea… I was able to transfer the contents right into the tea tin and breathe a sigh of relief…. I swear, I am the clumsiest person.)

Flavors: Floral, Nutty, Pastries, Raspberry

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ifjuly 10 years ago

phew, good save! though i must admit it’s a little amusing imagining Shelby becoming a tea connoisseur ;)

DeliriumsFrogs 10 years ago

She likes coffee grounds that get dropped on the floor (if I’m really tired, I miss the garbage bin and make a mess…lol), so I’m sure she’d eat my tea… But, OMG, if that had happened with this, I think I would’ve been inconsolable. haha

Butiki Teas 10 years ago

Is your dog’s name Shelby? I named my parents dog Shelby.

DeliriumsFrogs 10 years ago

Yes. Her name is Shelby. :) She’s a pit mix…but really such a mix of things that she’s more of a mutt. lol

Butiki Teas 10 years ago

That’s so awesome! I love pits. They are so sweet. I named my parent’s Sheltie, Shelby. He just seemed like a Shelby. :)

DeliriumsFrogs 10 years ago

Awww! Shelties are so adorable!! :)))

Butiki Teas 10 years ago

They are so cute and they know it. The second you break out a camera, they start posing.

DeliriumsFrogs 10 years ago

Oh my gosh… I can imagine the ‘head tilt’ dog face! ahhhh!!

Butiki Teas 10 years ago

For sure and every year my dad goes and gets Shelby to take a picture with Santa. He always looks so adorable. Too bad pics of me never come out that good.

DeliriumsFrogs 10 years ago

!!!! I just melted into a puddle. haha! That’s so sweet that your dad does that!

Butiki Teas 10 years ago

It’s super cute. He even has a Christmas scarf. :)

DeliriumsFrogs 10 years ago

You are killing me here! lol…. Seriously, I don’t think it can GET any cuter. lol (I was telling my family about your Dad’s Shelby over our breakfast this morning… haha)

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15618 tasting notes

Cavocorax gave me a cup of this to try out since it was once that i didn’t order. I had waffled on this one but in the end chose not to pick it up as i was fairly certain it wouldn’t be on my LOVED list at the end of the day. Turns out? I was right. While i do like the raspberry tea aspect of this, i found that it wasn’t very cashew like and at teh end of the day it felt a little wimpy. Not my favourite of stacy’s teas, and not one that i’ll miss…but it was really nice to get to try it, so thank you Cavo!

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818 tasting notes

This tea is a very heavy tea, meaning you don’t get much by weight, but I’ve had it a couple of times and it’s very nice. It even stood up in my timolino. You can taste both the raspberry and the cashew, although the raspberry is not that prominent. It’s very buttery, like nut butter, not real butter…makes your tongue feel like it has silky nut butter on it. :) The raspberry has a bit of tartness, not like hibiscus tart, but raspberry tart. I can also see how people might call it floral. As with most of Stacy’s blends, the flavoring is distinct, but not overpowering. I’m going to miss Stacy’s blends.

Fjellrev 10 years ago

Mmm, I like the idea of a tea tasting and feeling like nut butter.

Mikumofu 10 years ago

Love this one!

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