Organic Assam

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Black Tea
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Boiling 4 min, 0 sec

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28 Tasting Notes View all

From Butiki Teas

Grown in the Rani Estate in India, Organic Assam has light malty tones and a sweet smooth finish.

Recommended Brew Time: 4 minutes 30 seconds
Recommended Amount: 1 teaspoon of tea for 8oz of water
Recommended Temperature: 210 F

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28 Tasting Notes

15483 tasting notes

wheeeeee! Moar tea! I’m not too sure why I’m so happy today but it’s a good day. One more day to prepare for my client meeting on friday and then it’s the weekend! Which of course will be full of testing and other work related things but it’ll be the weekend! And I can get groceries and spend the rest of the weekend drinking tea at home while i work.

Maybe if i get lucky I can get in one of the games we picked up in the pas 2 weeks that I haven’t had a chance to open yet sigh


Which games? :D


Belfort, tsuro, vivajava and brass (yay for that finally getting reprinted)

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1184 tasting notes

This would be a sad sipdown if I didn`t have the premium assam, because it is even better. I really enjoyed this tea. On to better and brighter assams!

Butiki Teas

Hmmm, I think you might like the new Dinjoye.


Ooh, yes, I just looked at the description and it does sound like I would enjoy that one! Next order!


ahahahaha…I was scrolling down and misread this…
Thought it said orgasmic assam…lol…
I was like, wow! What tea can do THAT?!?


Haha CelebriTEA, that would take tea time to a whole new level!!

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676 tasting notes

It’s a beautiful cool rainy day on the Frontrange. This follows a 91F hot day yesterday so you can imagine how happy us mountain people are feeling today!
Last night my granddaughter Megan (16) conducted her school choir in an original composition that she wrote in Latin about the death of Ceasar. It was fantastic! I am so proud of all the kids…but she’s my kindred spirit.
For breakfast I decided on this Butiki Organic Assam. I love the fact that it is Organic and relatively mild. The tea is smooth like velvet…without astringency or heavy raw edged smokiness. I know there are those who want that more assertive type of robust Assam. Something akin to drinking white lightenin. I really do like my black tea’s strong and sexy…don’t get me wrong…but I like them to have some manners too. When it’s all said and done, I want to remember days later that this tea gave me a good time.

And, this tea is a good time!
(It’s my first choice today of a Birthday tea!)


I get the pleasure of being first on Steepster to wish you Happy Birthday!


Is it your birthday? Happy Birthday!

Butiki Teas

I hope you have a wonderful Birthday Bonnie!!! :)


Happy birthday!

Joshua Smith

Happy Birthday!


Have a great birthday! :D

Will Work For Tea

Happy birthday! Glad you had a delicious tea to celebrate with!


Happy Birthday!


Happy Birthday!


Happy Birthday! :D


Thank you everybody! You have no idea how much you all make my life better!


HAPPY BIRTHDAY BONNIE! May your spirit soar & be filled with happiness! :))


Thanks for the Van Halen Scott! ….I am soaring like an eagle!


I love that song, just to listen to the words…….I think it’s one of Sammy Hagar’s best songs.

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3294 tasting notes

Once upon a time there was a girl who drank Assam for breakfast everyday. Then she got caught up in comparing various English, Irish, Parisian, & other breakfast blends. She loved them all, & it’s so much fun comparing them, savoring them, but once in awhile it’s nice to go back to your roots!

This is a really nice Assam! It’s everything it should be, Malty, hints of chocolate, & not a touch of astringency or bitterness! Thank you, Stacy, for your lovely teas!


What exactly do you guys mean when you say that something is astringent? I picture downing a bottle of SeaBreeze, the face astringent lol.


Some teas leave your mouth feeling dry and your tongue feeling puckery. That’s astringent. (Sea Breeze tea…hmmm…)


Finn88…kudo’s to you for asking! So many people don’t ask and should. You learn things faster buy draining our brains dry (for me it won’t take long!)


Well yuck lol I’m guessing thats a taste most people DON’T want. I imagine the seabreeze would do the same ;) Ha my brains been dry since I was about 4 :)

Terri HarpLady

Finn, I don’t think of astringency so much as a taste, but more as a sensation, which is extreme dried out mouth. Some people can handle it better than others, & it seems to be more of a problem with white, green, & oolong teas than with black & puerh, at least in my opinion. Also, I’m thinking the longer a tea is brewed (or sometimes the hotter the water), the more tannins are release, making the tea more astringent. (This is, of course, based on my own experience & imagination, so don’t quote me on it). I’m guessing that’s why a lot of teas are better brewed at short intervals in a gaiwan. IN my gaiwan experiences (so far, I’m actually pretty new at this gaiwan stuff, so I don’t really know much, just what I’ve observed), it seems like if tannins are gonna be released, that usually happens on the 3 or 4th steeping. My mouth gets dry, but if I persevere, in another steeping or 2 that’s gone, replaced by a juicier quality. At least, that’s how it seems to me…

Terri HarpLady

I hope I don’t sound like a know it all, cuz I’m still learning too!

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2816 tasting notes

Tea of the morning here… I agree with Bonnie that this has a malty, almost bready quality in the flavor. It has a bit of sweetness too that reminds me ever so slightly of a golden monkey. It has a bit of that sweet potato quality. Not much bitterness in the finish here, it’s good with a splash of soymilk too. Sorry I don’t have time to write much more. I’ve had a few assams I liked better but this is nice.

It’s been a hellacious week at work and I’ve lots of time to try practicing my equanimity and patience a.k.a. – not blowing my top!

TGIF Steepster!

Boiling 4 min, 0 sec

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1792 tasting notes

Well then, that assignment took way much longer than it should have. My prof assigned us the wrong questions and I put hours into it before getting an email to do different ones. Ugh. Now it’s Assam time.

This is one fine Assam. I’m impressed by the lack of astringency here. When I smelled the dry leaf, it smelled very unassuming. I was actually worried that it would be on the dull side, but it’s not at all. It’s more subdued than most Assams, but it’s still ultra malty and thick.

Added a splash of soy milk and it’s oh so tasty and comforting. The milk seems to bring out notes of cacao? It’s like a dessert, but yet it isn’t, if that makes sense. Probably due to the lack of astringency.

Very happy with this Assam, I am!


Gosh, how frustrating for you!


Haha c’est la vie, I guess.

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359 tasting notes

So this is the first tea I choose to have out of order #2 from Butiki.  Yes,  2nd order within the last 3 weeks… Evil Temptress Stacy is to blame for making her teas so incredibly irresistible! 

Just as I was thinking that instead of reasoning myself on order #1, I should have gone for the 75$ purchase at once in order to save on shipping, I got an email from Stacy advising me that a free shipping promo was coming for labor day week on the following Monday.  Since I was missing on that promo cause I had ordered too soon, she offered me to choose another tea free of charge, that equaled the shipping price.

Now, that’s how you keep clients around for a long, long, time!  I chose Exotic pear which does smell fantastic, but this morning, I just had a too strong attraction to Assam… 

I love Assam, I  do like my tea bold and robust, after all I am a Canadian woman! ( comment directed at tunes&tea for his Canadian Breakfast review, lol).

I know this type of black tea is not loved by so many, it is often very strong and can be astringent, but that’s something I seek in the morning as a breakfast tea…

I went 1 minute over the recommended steep of 4min 30sec, and still,  the astringency is close to inexistent. What a nice mellow Assam! It makes me wonder if this is a first or second flush,  I’ve read that second flush Assams are sweeter and less bitter. 

Don’t get me wrong, it might be softer than most Assam I’ve tried, but it’s still very bold with lots of character! 

It is full bodied, nice big dark amber color, rich cocoa feel, malty and sweet with no bitterness.  I have mine straight, but  I have no doubt it would sustain milk and sugar and not get lost in them.

I’d say that if this type of tea normally scares you, this is the one to try.  

Conclusion: Although I can handle a strong black tea, I love that this one will satisfy that need but will also offer a tender, softer side in addition. 

At a special price of $2.80 for one once, I only wish I had ordered more!

In my order, I also got a sample of Taiwanese Assam, can’t wait to compare the 2, the description is mouthwatering!


Lol! She’s a lumberjack, and she’s okay! A la Monty Python! :)


You got that right ashmanra!


This sounds excellent! I like my morning teas as you do as well.


Yep, Azzrian, Nothing like a strong tea early in the day, and this one accomplished its duty really well this morning!


Mmm, Assam. I’m totally going to try this out if I ever get around to making an order.

You must also have buttered scones with tea. :D


Incendiare, buttered scones would be delicious for sure. However, for me Assam is more of an “egg & bacon” type of tea :-)


haha oh no I definitely agree. It’s great with very savoury meals. I was just making another reference to the Lumberjack Song.


Hahaha! Sorry Incendiare, I missed out on that one! I just thought you might have some British roots or something :-)


Yep! Canadian women like strong black breakfast teas!!
I also have the premium and want to compare to this organic assam version. I look forward to your comparison!


tigress, I also look forward to read yours :-)

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431 tasting notes

So often I have found many unblended teas of a single variety to not have a unique, differentiating quality between other vendors. I am sure much of the time this is the case because it is likely the tea was procured from the same distributor. However, I am pleased to say this was nice brew. I found it had subtle character and did separate itself from the pack in a pleasant way. A wonderful surprise.

Boiling 4 min, 0 sec

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