White Oak Tea

Tea type
Herbal Tea
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Edit tea info Last updated by Dustin
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205 °F / 96 °C 4 min, 0 sec

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From Buddha Teas

The white oak tree is a majestic hardwood species that is mainly found in eastern areas of North America. Its massive crown stretches out as wide as the tree is tall, making it a striking sight. The trees are also quite long-lived, surviving over centuries, and they also have a variety of uses. Its wood has been used to make furniture, while the acorns were once used by native tribes as a staple food. The bark offers multiple uses as well, used to create an herbal bath soak as well as this fine white oak tea. It is best described as earthy and smooth, a pleasant herbal tea for any time of day.

Refined and Enriching
White oak tea is certainly refreshing and satisfying, but many may not know of the vitamins and minerals it may also provide. White oak bark is known as a strong natural source of vitamin B12, and minerals such as iron, potassium, cobalt and sulfur. Like many herbal teas, this bark offers several constituents, including pectin, flavonoids like quercetin, and as much as 15-20% tannins. Many of its properties are natural antioxidants, making white oak tea an excellent choice to add to your tea collection.

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1 Tasting Note

1780 tasting notes

I went into my local market hoping to find Hella Tea in stock only to find some hella empty shelves so I bought a box of this as a consolation. I thought this was a tea with oak bark in it, but it’s only oak bark in the ingredients. It smells very puer like with that rich wet and watery earth fragrance. It kinda tastes like it too! The first few sips were like a watery alkaline puer, but the alkaline part mellows some sips in. It’s not as heavy as tea is. It’s flavorful, but lighter at the same time. I’m not a huge pure puer fan. I can drink and enjoy a plain puer, but I prefer flavored puers where they add a depth to the overall profile, like in Lupicia’s Chocolate Strawberry Puer. That said, I’d love to see what else they could do with white oak bark to make a cup that is more complex and exciting. We’ll see if this makes it’s way into my normal evening rotation.

205 °F / 96 °C 4 min, 0 sec
Martin Bednář

I never heard about oak bark “tea” before and now I want to try :D


I had never heard of it before either!

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