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Green Matcha Blend
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1 Tasting Note View all

From Black Lotus Tea

Tasting notes: This is strong in umami flavor, savory and a little sweet with notes of toasted corn and buttery green leaf vegetables, and a slight bite from sencha’s bitterness which to me is similar to the bitterness of semi-sweet chocolate. The bitterness can be reduced with lower water temperature, allowing more vegetal flavors. For a little extra sea vibe, drink this with a little pinch of salt.

Blended with: Green tea (Japanese and Chinese), matcha powder.

For Fjords tea, I definitely wanted something green. I also wanted a savory, almost seaweed-like tea, and sencha is pretty close to that. But to bring out more rich flavors, I combined it with a steamed Chinese green tea and tossed it in matcha powder for good measure.

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1 Tasting Note

16950 tasting notes

Sipdown (1416)!

I did not enjoy this tea because I don’t really enjoy sencha and this is very literally just straight sencha dusted in matcha. It was just a tiny bit buttery, but mostly wildly oceanic/marine tasting with some grassier undertones. Just not my preference/ideal cup.

That said, I feel like it’s a pretty perfectly spot on tea for Fjord (the Critical Role character this is inspired by) – those greener and oceanic notes are perfect for this half orc sailor, and I really can’t think of much else that I would have done different for him myself. Great character interpretation overall, even if it’s not my jam.

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