Using around 4g, 90ml at 185F
I absolutely adore the smell. Extremely milky and creamy and just lingers in your nose and throat after inhaling.
Started off with a quick wash and I let the tea relax. The smell gets much stronger and adopts a creamy, vegetable smell to it.
One very important thing to note about this tea is that it’s incredibly sensitive to steeping times. If you steep this tea for too long (or too hot), it tastes like spinach mixed with seaweed or something of the like. Honestly making it taste disgusting. But with shallow infusions, it will convert the aroma into the tea itself.
Steep times were as follows: 4s, 5s, 8s, 12s, 15s, + others (lost count, was in a long conversation)
If anyone is following how I’m making this tea, you’ll probably notice that the color looks to be very faint for the first steep. This is normal. You’ll notice that drinking the tea from the first steep results in a very strong floral taste, no bitterness, only a /very/ slight vegetable taste (just enough to be pleasant), and really creamy. The predominant flavours are osmanthus and ‘cream’ for the lack of a better word. The creaminess is generally sweet as well.
The following few steeps encompass a very smooth osmanthus and floral aroma, with a creamy vehicle as means of deliverance.
Things to note: This tea maintains the floral and creamy osmanthus throughout the entire tea session. If you start tasting it bitter or vegetal, you have steeped it for too long. If it started tasting like that from the get-go, heat could also be a factor.
Overall, a pretty decent milk oolong. I personally think the ‘premium silky green’ from bird pick is a better milk oolong, despite it being marketed as green tea (it’s not, it’s definitely milk oolong).
Flavors: Cream, Creamy, Floral, Milk, Osmanthus, Smooth, Sweet, Vegetal