A new tea powder from Bird & Blend I haven’t tried yet! I whisked it in coconut milk as a) that seemed appropriate and b) I really need to finish off this carton before it goes off.
The drink is very sweet, and I’m not sure how much of that is from the tea powder (coconut nectar sugar) and how much is from my coconut milk. Obviously I taste coconut (I mean… the milk) but oddly enough, the main flavor I’m getting from the powder itself is a guava/pear sort of taste. I see it is made with “Baobab fruit pulp” and “lucuma”, two things my uncultured tongue has never had before. A little research tells me baobab can be “citrusy”, “tangy pear”, or “sour mango”… I’m not really tasting citrus (wonder if the sweetness is countering the tang?) but maybe that is the tropical pear note I’m getting? Lucuma is also apparently very sweet! But I was expecting pinapple, because… pina colada! And I’m not tasting pinapple. It does taste tropical, but I’m still a little disappointed. The texture is also a bit chalky/grainy, which I also experienced with B&B’s rooibos-base tea powder, so I’m wondering if this something I’m going to consistently experience with their “not-matcha” powders. I don’t recall having this issue with any of their matcha base powders…
After sampling, I put the latte into a mango smoothie and blended it up. That takes care of the texture issues, at least! Oddly enough, I am finding more citrus notes popping in the smoothie (a tangy lemon?), but I still taste that “tropical pear” flavor, and am not tasting pineapple, which is what I was really hoping for.
Flavors: Citrus, Guava, Lemon, Pear, Sweet, Tangy, Tropical