Tea type
Black Green Blend
Not available
Almond, Autumn Leaf Pile, Cinnamon, Grass, Marzipan, Roasted, Sweet, Tea
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Bulk, Loose Leaf
Not available
Edit tea info Last updated by Cameron B.
Average preparation
200 °F / 93 °C 3 min, 15 sec 10 oz / 284 ml

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17 Tasting Notes View all

  • “My last Bluebird sample is a surprise that is even better than I thought it would be! This one is a black tea mixed with HOUJICHA! I thought it was a black tea mixed with green tea. When the...” Read full tasting note
  • “Looks like I’m the first to review this tea. So, no pressure? :O I wasn’t sure what temperature to steep this one because it has black and green teas, but I think the rule is that you steep at the...” Read full tasting note
  • “Totally nutty sounds nice with its almond and cinnamon flavors, its got a black and green tea base… but i didn’t know that until after i brewed my cup and looked it up to put this review in. So i...” Read full tasting note
  • “Thanks to amandastory516 for sharing this tea! It tastes mostly like marzipan with a bit of light black tea. I wouldn’t have minded more complexity/flavors going on here. It felt like it needed...” Read full tasting note

From Bird & Blend Tea Co.

Are you totally nutty? A bit bonkers? Crazy crackers? Some marzipan short of a Christmas cake? Speaking of marzipan, do you love the creamy almond taste? If so, or if you are just totally nutty, this decadent almond & cinnamon tea is right up your street (Strange St., Wackyville, right?).

Ingredients: Ceylon Black tea, Almond Pieces, Japanese Roasted Green Tea, Cinnamon, Flavour

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17 Tasting Notes

4338 tasting notes

My last Bluebird sample is a surprise that is even better than I thought it would be! This one is a black tea mixed with HOUJICHA! I thought it was a black tea mixed with green tea. When the description said green tea, I wasn’t thinking roasted green tea. I love the idea of a black/ houjicha combination. I think this is my first. There should also be almond & cinnamon but I wasn’t getting too much of an almond flavor. So I don’t think it’s “totally” nutty as the name suggests, or really nutty at all. I wish there were more— it would probably taste like marzipan! But the cinnamon is nice and sweet. Bluebird’s black base pairs really well with the roastiness of the houjicha. Very nice.

I really want to place a bluebird order as they have quite a few blends I’ve been dreaming of/ thinking of that I’ve actually tried but I realllyy shouldn’t right now!

Edited to add: I’m done with my Bluebird samples so I’ll post a list of my favorites (the blends I really want to order):
Hot Mama Jama 96
Rhubarb Custard 95
Bonfire Toffee 93
Coffee Pu-erh 93
Vicky’s Sponge Cake 93

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1598 tasting notes

Looks like I’m the first to review this tea. So, no pressure? :O

I wasn’t sure what temperature to steep this one because it has black and green teas, but I think the rule is that you steep at the lower temperature…

It smells mostly like cinnamon, but when you sip it the almond slides right it. And, oddly enough, I think I can actually taste the green tea in the blend too, which is amazing because I have a hard time noticing the bases under a lot of flavour. To me that is a sign that this blend has been balanced quite perfectly.

This doesn’t taste like it’s too strong either so it would be perfect for the afternoon or evening.

I’m not hugely into almond flavours, but this is very nice. I’d buy a sampler size of this!

185 °F / 85 °C 3 min, 0 sec

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113 tasting notes

Totally nutty sounds nice with its almond and cinnamon flavors, its got a black and green tea base… but i didn’t know that until after i brewed my cup and looked it up to put this review in. So i possibly brewed it with to hot water because there was green tea in it…

Ah well the dry leaf smell heavy cinnamon like and the blend looks tasty to! Brew color is a bright brown liquor. Still smelling strongly like cinnamon but i’m noticing a other good smelling thing to (not sure how to call it or what it is exactly), its a fresh blend u can tell that.

When the cup is cooled enough i’m trying some sips from my brew. First thing i notice is the black ceylon base that is soft but very present. I’m not sure i’m tasting the green tea thats in this blend but i don’t really mind. The almond is very present but not overwhelming and the cinnamon supports it a bit. I’m liking this tea and i’m pleased that i had a chance to try a sample off it!

A black/green tea blend with a twist to keep a refreshing eye on tea very well done!

205 °F / 96 °C 3 min, 0 sec

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2593 tasting notes

Thanks to amandastory516 for sharing this tea! It tastes mostly like marzipan with a bit of light black tea. I wouldn’t have minded more complexity/flavors going on here. It felt like it needed something. It was all right sweetened with milk and sugar though!

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1968 tasting notes

Requested this as a sample in my recent Bird & Blend order, and was kindly given a 20g bag. I love marzipan/amaretto/almond teas, so I was surprised that I hadn’t tried it yet. I found it to be a bit of a letdown. The nutty, almond flavor tastes synthetic and isn’t all that pleasing.

Lexie Aleah

They did the same for me with Bonfire Toffee a month or two ago!

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4333 tasting notes

I had this tea last night, but wasn’t able to post since Steepster was having issues.

This is a mix of black tea and houjicha, which was intriguing to me. However, I found myself not enjoying it because the houjicha autumn leaf flavor felt very discordant with the dessert-y marzipan black tea combination. Although thinking about it, a marzipan-flavored dry leaf doesn’t sound particularly appealing… XD

I think I might have liked this one if it were either a darker roasted houjicha or perhaps a houji-kukicha, which would have been more sweet and less leafy. Ah well, you can’t love them all! I’m glad I got the chance to try a sampler packet.

Flavors: Almond, Autumn Leaf Pile, Cinnamon, Grass, Marzipan, Roasted, Sweet

200 °F / 93 °C 3 min, 0 sec 1 tsp 8 OZ / 236 ML
Martin Bednář

I wasn’t that happy about this tea as well. I have expected more than marzipan. Different nuts or something. Especially when it is called Tottaly Nutty

Cameron B.

It’s true, I also find almond teas that just taste like marzipan to be very boring.

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2069 tasting notes

SIPDOWN and honestly not even sad.

I was so much looking forward to this tea, I love nutty flavours with black teas, but this is only almonds black tea.

I don’t mind almonds, but expected other nuts as well present; but they aren’t there! I disagree with the name too. It is not totally nutty for sure.

Flavors: Almond, Marzipan

205 °F / 96 °C 3 min, 0 sec 3 tsp 10 OZ / 300 ML

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2238 tasting notes

I wasn’t sure what I’d make of this one, so I have to admit to being pleasantly surprised. The black base is a tiny bit thin for my liking, but it tastes okay and that’s what matters. It’s smooth with a slight edge of bitterness. The sweet toastiness of the nut flavouring counteracts that a little, and the overall effect is pleasant. I’m pretty sure I can taste brazil nuts here, and maybe hazelnut or almond. The “nut” flavour is a bit generic, but that’s my only real complaint. It’s tasty and different! An interesting cup.

Boiling 3 min, 0 sec 1 tsp

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15596 tasting notes

another tea from dexter that i had waaaay earlier in the day. It was quite tasty, though i remember wishing the nutty taste was just a little stronger. Overall though, another nice tea from bluebird!

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6444 tasting notes

Thank you Dexter3657 for sharing this with me. Sipping on it now, I can’t help but feel like I have had this before. It is actually driving me nuts because this smells/tastes exactly like another tea and I can’t put my finger on which one. With that said, I am not loving this one. It has an almost dry flavor like the skin of the nuts and I guess I was expecting more sweetness than what I am getting. Nonetheless, I am really grateful to have gotten to try it. One more tea to mark off the list.


David’s Forever Nuts? At least I think the two are similar…


I don’t think so but I can see why you would make that connection.

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