Tea type
Black Fruit Blend
Not available
Cherry, Medicinal, Smoke, Mineral, Candy, Cherry Wood, Malt, Stonefruit, Limestone, Smooth
Sold in
Bulk, Loose Leaf
Average preparation
205 °F / 96 °C 4 min, 30 sec 8 oz / 229 ml

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We don't know when or if this item will be available.

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17 Tasting Notes View all

  • “I really thought I’d like this one and was excited to try, but sadly did not enjoy. To me it’s slightly bitter and cherry tasting like the same cough drop or candy type flavoring that I don’t want...” Read full tasting note
  • “Dry this tea smells mostly like cherry to me. There’s something else there that I thought was part of the cherry flavoring (you know how some flavorings can be strong and almost boozy smelling when...” Read full tasting note
  • “I made a cup of this for myself and one for my partner. Mine ended up undrinkably bitter and his ended up slightly bitter with a little bit of smoke and no fruit taste at all. Not sure what I did...” Read full tasting note
  • “A generous and unexpected gift from amandastory516. Bursting with cherry right from the bag. More cough drop on the back end. Once steeped, the smoke from the Lapsang comes thru. Not...” Read full tasting note

From August Uncommon Tea

Bold black tea with smoke and black fruit

If you like smoke and sweetness, this is the tea for you. It’s a tannic blend of three teas, not too smoky, not too sweet. Dried morello cherries lend it depth. Outlaw is perfect for breakfast with a splash of milk, which enhances the natural cherry sweetness. It’s a strong brew worthy of a cowboy.

Recommended for coffee lovers, and scotch and mezcal fans.

INGREDIENTS: taiwanese lapsang souchong blackRead more

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17 Tasting Notes

311 tasting notes

I really thought I’d like this one and was excited to try, but sadly did not enjoy. To me it’s slightly bitter and cherry tasting like the same cough drop or candy type flavoring that I don’t want to see in my tea. Not my thing at all.

Boiling 5 min, 0 sec 1 tsp 4 OZ / 118 ML

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94 tasting notes

Dry this tea smells mostly like cherry to me. There’s something else there that I thought was part of the cherry flavoring (you know how some flavorings can be strong and almost boozy smelling when fresh?) but now I think it might just be the smoke. As with the other August teas I’ve tried, I followed the package instructions for my first time making this tea (boiling water, 4-5min, approx 1 tablespoon per 10oz water). The brewed tea smells smokier than the dry leaf. I taste more smoke than cherry too. The cherry didn’t disappear, the smoke is just stronger than it was in the dry tea. I’m not really enjoying this one. I let my cup cool too much before drinking and it’s just not great at this temperature. Maybe it would be better hotter. The cherry tastes unpleasantly artificial to me. I’m not sure if that’s the added flavoring or just the combination of smoke and cherry. I think I’ll try it with milk/cream next time to see if I like it better that way. And I’ll definitely try to drink it before it cools to lukewarm next time. I like the size of these sample packages…enough tea to make more than one cup so you can experiment with the preparation a little bit (or fix any oopsies that occurred) but not so much that you might end up stuck with a ton of tea you hate.

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448 tasting notes

I made a cup of this for myself and one for my partner. Mine ended up undrinkably bitter and his ended up slightly bitter with a little bit of smoke and no fruit taste at all. Not sure what I did to this one but at least I have a few more cups to try again!

200 °F / 93 °C 4 min, 45 sec
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Cameron B. 4 years ago

Oh no! I have this one but haven’t tried it yet. My default steep time for black teas is 3 minutes though.

Emilie 4 years ago

I’ve found that I generally like August Uncommon’s black teas between 4-5 minutes, especially to compensate for not getting to 212°, but I don’t think that holds true for this one!

Cameron B. 4 years ago

Ooh, a tricksy one! From the photo it looks like there’s some CTC black tea mixed in, so maybe that was your downfall ha ha.

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2172 tasting notes

A generous and unexpected gift from amandastory516.

Bursting with cherry right from the bag. More cough drop on the back end. Once steeped, the smoke from the Lapsang comes thru. Not overpoweringly so. Is overpoweringly a word? The cherry has also become more subtle. Not so Punch You In The Face.

PS – I’ve gotten so lazy with my notes lately. And my tea drinking to think of it. I’m home, sitting mere inches from the tea cabinet and this is the first cup I’ve had in a week. What’s going on here???

Group share – Favorite comfort tea to get you through a global crisis? Which ones were you saving that you’re drinking now?

Flavors: Cherry, Medicinal, Smoke

Boiling 5 min, 0 sec 1 tsp 8 OZ / 236 ML
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Leafhopper 5 years ago

I’ve been drinking a lot of chai lately. I’m considering breaking out some of my really nice Taiwanese oolong, but am worried that I won’t be able to get/afford more. :(

Shanie O Maniac 5 years ago

I’ve been drinking… coffee. (GASP) I know! I KNOW! Take away my login! But I have found that in all the tea I was drinking, I shut off my caffeine response to anything less than coffee, and with things the way they are, I have an overpowering desire to sleep constantly, so I need the coffee to keep me awake.

But when I do go for the tea, I’ve been going pretty indiscriminately thorough my untrieds. I have a bunch of untrieds, plus a whole pack from derk to get through! So I’ve been prioritizing brewing them before any old favorites. Those old favorites are for relaxing. Right now? I crave STIMULATION!

tea-sipper 5 years ago

I should be drinking some chai before it gets warmer. Then I always have the Earls. I have plenty of new teas left to try, but I’d definitely like to revisit some favorites. I almost finished my Butiki Smokey banana today, maybe tomorrow.

Shae 5 years ago

You know, I haven’t had nearly as much chai this winter as I normally do. And I do love chai. It’s warm here in Alabama lately, so I’m craving some fruity things. Still black teas, but the bright ones.

Leafhopper, I’m still saving some of my favorites too. Though I keep telling myself – if not now, then when? It seems we could all use some extra comfort in these unsettling days.

Shanie O Maniac, I’m not judging!! I enjoy the taste of coffee, but the caffeine is too much for me. Black teas can have that same effect for me sometimes, but it’s not quite so strong. I do like a good decaf cup sometimes, just for the taste. And I’m the opposite right now – I’m so high strung lately, I feel like I need to be drinking all the relaxing teas! We are all reacting to this differently, no doubt.

tea-sipper, Earl Greys are some of my very favorites. The first tea I drank (as an adult) was Twinings Earl Grey and I’ll always go back to it. I’ve been picky with my EGs lately though for some reason. They just aren’t hitting the spot like they normally do. Maybe I’m just in a different season at the moment. But I know they’ll always be there. So mad at myself that I didn’t start drinking tea until after Butiki closed! I love hearing about all the fun flavors they had from you guys.

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1445 tasting notes

Smoky black teas are not something I reach for regularly, but they have some sort of allure that keeps me coming back (albeit irregularly). Outlaw has a little more allure than most and kept me amused all last night (erm, unintentional Tobias moment).

Honestly though, I think I like this one. It’s something to do with the flat cherry vanilla coke vibe I’m picking up (I mean that in the most flattering way). It also reminds me of the time I got to lick a cave in Poland (mineral notes, kay). It’s a lot of fun, and I’m sitting somewhere in the 80’s on it. I’m going to hold off rating for a bit because I’m not having as strong a reaction to it as I did with the Black Lodge (I think someone thought that name to be nostalgic and homey, but all it makes me think of is some horror story).

And just look at all the parentheses it inspired me to use!

Flavors: Cherry, Mineral, Smoke

195 °F / 90 °C 3 min, 15 sec
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Dexter 7 years ago

I agree that this is better than Black Lodge – but Outlaw is still a strange tea. Happy you didn’t hate it….

Crowkettle 7 years ago

I usually have a pretty large “this is alright” threshold when it comes to tea; my reaction to Black Lodge is an extreme oddity for me! I also had more warning and a wariness going into Outlaw, so it’s strangeness was just par for the course. I kind of want to try it with ice cream or whip cream. :)

Dexter 7 years ago

I go into all AU teas with a bit of wariness – IMHO they are all a little strange. I really like the company because their teas are usually outside the box, but that means some are OMG this is so weird I love it – or OMG this is so weird I hate it. That’s good though – I would rather love/hate than indifference. :)
Icecream….. that’s a great idea – wonder how we could turn this into Outlaw milkshake….hmmmmm

Evol Ving Ness 7 years ago

How about a float with French vanilla ice cream?

Crowkettle 7 years ago

Yes, to both of you! That’s exactly what I want: milkshake/float thing. Maybe I can try steeping it in milk or something and using that in a blended drink?

Dexter I agree with you about love/hate over indifference. Luckily, so far I’ve been on the more positive side of that spectrum when it comes to the majority of the AU teas I’ve tried; they’re a lot of fun!

tea-sipper 6 years ago

A Tobias moment. snerk.
You sold me on this tea with flat cherry vanilla coke. :D
In other shows, the Black Lodge tea will always remind me of Twin Peaks.

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1403 tasting notes

I don’t know what it is doing outside, but inside it feels chilly and damp, which to me is the ideal weather for something smoky.

This is my second day drinking Outlaw from the sample that Dexter so generously shared with me when we met up for our city walk. Yesterday, the cups didn’t leave much of an impression. It was just kind of ok. Perhaps I had steeped too briefly. Today, however, boom—I am definitely enjoying this smokiness and the faintest whiff of cherrywood. Nothing froo-froo about this at all. A solid masculine tea. Love this.

Sometimes, it takes a few cups to find one’s way around a tea. Delighted to have another cup or two of this to enjoy.

Thank you, Dexter. Good call, this.

Flavors: Cherry Wood, Smoke, Smooth

205 °F / 96 °C 4 min, 15 sec 1 tsp 12 OZ / 354 ML
Dexter 8 years ago

Awesome. Happy you are enjoying it. :)

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16967 tasting notes

First tea of the morning.

I added some cashew milk into it this time because last time I thought it was a little harsh and I remembered wanting to mellow it out a little bit.

I think the cashew milk is doing wonders here; the tea is definitely still thick and very smoky with tobacco, ash, and leather notes but I don’t feel nearly as assaulted by it and it’s smoother/creamier . Previously, it had a level of astringency that sort of felt the way that nail on a chalkboard sounds. In addition to the wonderful Lapsang, the cherry also comes through very nicely. It’s dark and seductive, and tastes sweet without having the brightness that a bing or maraschino cherry would have. If this cherry note were a person, it’d be at the point in life where it’s a bit of a Silver Fox. You know, still very hot/attractive but with hair starting to grey and wrinkles in just the right places. Yes, this cherry is the Clooney of cherries…

Song Pairing: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rv_nBEgwCaw&index=1&list=WL

Ah, perfect mood music! Completely matches the tone of the tea and is submersive in every way. Plus, Iwan Rheon is just so nice to look at. Whether you see him as Simon from Misfits or Ramsey from GoT I think you’ve gotta agree the man can sing…

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Nattie 8 years ago

I didn’t know Iwan Rheon had his own songs! To me he is Ash from Vicious lol, but I agree about him being nice to look at.

Roswell Strange 8 years ago

I’ve never seen Vicious – would you recommend it? And yes! His music is SO GOOD.

Nattie 8 years ago

It depends on the kind of thing you like to watch, I come down on the side of HELL YES but I also know some people that hate it… I have a deep and abiding love for Ian McKellen, Derek Jacobi, sitcoms and anything camp so I’m biased lol. I’d recommend giving it a shot if you don’t hate anything I’ve listed haha (:

Evol Ving Ness 8 years ago

Can women be silver foxes?

Roswell Strange 8 years ago

Hmm, I’d think so?

Evol Ving Ness 8 years ago

I’ve never heard the term referring to a woman. My mind jumped immediately to a male and then, boom, Clooney.

Nattie 8 years ago

Silver vixen for a woman? I immediately think of Clooney too lol.

Evol Ving Ness 8 years ago


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15588 tasting notes

Thanks for sending this one my way for me to try Dexter The dry tea is incredibly smokey, but that translates in to a brew that is not quite AS smokey as the dry suggests. When this is first made, all i can taste is the smoke. Good for me that i enjoy the occasional smokey cup. As it cools though, the cherry starts to peek through and it becomes a cup with much more going on. Going to need to try this one again to decide where i stand on it :)

Final Count yesterday: 80

Dexter 8 years ago

I didn’t find this one as smokey as you are suggesting. Odd for sure, changes as it cools – definitely. I’ve had it a few times and am still on the fence. I think it’s better with less leaf, cooler water and longer steeps – but that’s just me. :)

Sil 8 years ago

yeah i’ve got more to play with. Maybe i was just having a smoke sensitive day haha

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1040 tasting notes

I got my August Uncommon order today. So excited. Their packaging is so beautiful – the tins are sealed with pop off lids. I got a free scoop and a little brewing guide book, there was also a handwritten note – I love personal touches like that.
IMHO all August Uncommon blends are a little unusual and this one is no exception. I can’t quite put my finger on what this is like. It’s a little smokey. It’s a little cherry. There is some bitter – kind of like dark chocolate but not quite. There are other notes in here that I can’t quite decide what they are. Odd but in an interesting sort of way. This is complex and balanced but still confusing somehow. I’m on the fence a little on if I “like” it. I feel it grow on me and it certainly is interesting enough to keep me coming back for another taste. Will resteep it to see how it changes.

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Sil 8 years ago

Look forward to seeing where you land with this one heh

Dexter 8 years ago

It’s better as it cools. There is something that us reminding me of dark bread… not caraway…that’s a different tea but something dark and yeasty

Dexter 8 years ago

Less leaf cooler water longer steep = less weirdness. Little sweetener splash of milk = happy Dex

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