Organic Breakfast

Tea type
Black Tea
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Edit tea info Last updated by ashmanra
Average preparation
Boiling 4 min, 30 sec

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17 Tasting Notes View all

  • “I haven’t been having tea at breakfast lately, as I have been wanting to savor it by itself or with a small snack. Today I wanted a little boost, and I want to reduce my tea inventory. This one...” Read full tasting note
  • “Kicking off the day with this one… and I like it a lot more than the Carolina Breakfast Blend from the same blenders. It’s a standard breakfast blend, but was pretty inexpensive, so it’s a winner...” Read full tasting note

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17 Tasting Notes

3477 tasting notes

I haven’t been having tea at breakfast lately, as I have been wanting to savor it by itself or with a small snack. Today I wanted a little boost, and I want to reduce my tea inventory. This one drew the short straw.

It is good, but not great. I don’t ooo and ahhh when I drink it, but it serves its purpose. It was inexpensive, on sale, and organic. I probably will not repurchase but I won’t be terribly bothered about having to finish this tin. With milk and sugar it makes an adequate breakfast tea, with a very mild Assam that has light cinnamon notes mixed with a Chinese black if I am guessing correctly. Therre is almost none of the smokiness kne finds in many keemuns. It is a great deal weaker than Harney’s Supreme Breakfast or even their English Breakfast.

Since I really want to reduce the number of tins I have I am eyeballing a lot of these teas as candidates for making iced tea. That will reduce the inventory quickly! The rest of this tin just might turn into a big pitcher of iced tea.

My kids are hovering over my nearly empty tins hoping to claim them for holding their Magic the Gathering cards. I have given up six tins already. They are making specialty and themed decks and decorating the tins to match the decks. LOL! This means they are pilfering two of my hobby areas…tea and papercrafts!


Good tins are hard to find!


Do you like tins better than zip pouches when it comes to maintaining freshness?


That’s so funny! I gave my husband this nice box that Harney and Sons sent their black tea sampler in for his Magic Cards!


If my tins weren’t full of tea, I might consider using them for our Magic cards (Hey, it’s a fun game!). Alas, I prefer tea to Magic. : )


@Teabowing: at first I only bought tea in tins, or out them straight into them when I got them home. I have found that most of these teas have stayed fresh longer than expected, as some are two years old now. I didn’t start getting tea in zip bags until later in my tea buying experience, so I don’t know if they last as long. I think those nice foil bags may be good, but I don’t have a lot of faith in those single thickness cello bags that A Southern Season sells their daily teas in. It would probably be fine if you drink them fast. I like Rishi double lidded tea tins a lot for the price.


@Jacqueline: I shall have to order one of their samplers! (Just so the kids can have the box, of course. Heehee.) I bet that box is perfect for the cards! The kids are already buying special foil cards for prizes in a beach-themed competition to take place in May, and they are all building beach-themed decks. There is a store in Cary called Stuff and Such and they have a vast collection of cards, from common to rare, all available for individual purchase. I think blue and white cards are all they are permitting, with beach theme if possible!


I don’t really like tins. I wish you could get dark blue or green or opaque white canning jars in bulk to store tea in. No odor, easy to clean and easy to label.


@Bonnie: a long time ago I read about a company that clear glass jars for tea, but they are treated on the outside for UV resistance. You might like those! I saw some lovely porcelain tea jars at Tin Roof Teas, but they were ten dollars. Not bad, but if you need 115 of them….well….hubby wouldn’t understand. No, he is so sweet he would probably tell me to get them, what am I thinking? LOL!


I bought a batch of clear jars on sale at Dollar General, and for small samples that I’m keeping in a closed cabinet anyway, they’re great.


I have some small pretty canning jars that I use to mix my own blends and keep in my dark cabinet. Works well enough…


@ashmanra I’ve always felt like the zip foil lined bags are more air tight than tins so I’ve always preferred them, but I don’t have proof of that – they just look that way to me when I buy either.

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828 tasting notes

Kicking off the day with this one… and I like it a lot more than the Carolina Breakfast Blend from the same blenders. It’s a standard breakfast blend, but was pretty inexpensive, so it’s a winner in my book! :)

3 min, 0 sec

I like this one a lot also! Just bought it since it was the monthly special. I had a whole 22 oz. pot for breakfast. Whew!


I got it because of the monthly special also!! :)

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