Brewed this up as my work thermos tea today.
Initially, the flavor was very strongly grape… very sweet and a bit syrupy and candy-like. As the tea cooled, more of the spice notes came forward… namely cinnamon, but now I’m getting a sort of mixed ginger/clove flavor popping toward the end of the sip. As the tea cools down and more spice notes come forward, the strong grape flavor does tone down a bit and the combination on the bready black base does give cinnamon raisin bread vibes.
It’s nice, but I also really like grape-flavored teas. I think I liked 52Teas’ “Tea and Scones” tea better, which was a similar profile but had a more natural grape/raisin taste than I’m getting now. This is still a pleasant tea, especially once the tea has cooled and the spices have settled. It just takes a long time for my tea to reach that ideal temperature in the work thermos!
Flavors: Bread, Candy, Cinnamon, Clove, Fruity, Ginger, Grapes, Spices