Thank God for tea, because it’s one of the best things to drink for a sore throat.
Anyways, onto the tea…
This was actually one of the first teas I ever tried, so you could say this tea is the tea, aside from Earl Grey, that got me into tea. I don’t even remember where I was when I first tried it, but I know I loved it then and still love it now.
Orange teas are my favorite teas, and this tea has a wonderful, smooth taste of orange with a kick of spice—ginger, I think—and I really enjoy that mix. It’s a very warm tea, in the sense that it makes you feel warm, almost immediately, and more so from the flavor than from the actual temperature of the tea itself. It also takes sugar well, and keeps a very good balance of sweetness and flavor.
Now to finish it and hope my throat feels better…
The very first tea I ever bought back in the time of troglodytes. Still enjoy it.