I was intrigued by this tea from the get-go. A tea that cures hangovers, thus bridging the gap of evening and morning? Sounded like a match made in heaven. The guy at davids told me that this is a wonderful remedy, being that most of the ingredients are said to have a calming effect. I wish I had discovered this long ago, as I don’t find myself in need of such a miracle as of late.
That being said, I decided to try this as I hopefully kick the last of this cold I’ve had this past week. I have to admit, it’s true to it’s name. Though the flavor palette is mostly citrus and green tea it has hues of deeper flavors. Most importantly, it’s mild and appeasing, and nothing that would rock the boat if your system was in recovery mode. Being that I usually start my mornings with flavored black teas, this is a welcome change-up. I could see it doing wonders in a more fragile state. I can’t wait to test it out next time after I go out.