176 Tasting Notes
Really enjoying this chamomile! It has an extra… FRESHNESS I guess that I obviously never experienced with my past bagged chamomiles. It’s really cool to see the full flowers too, what a cute tea. Can tea be cute? WELL IT IS NOW.
MY FIRST PU ERH YEAHHH! This one was also quite a bit smokey I guess? NOT AS MUCH as the lapsang but still very earthy and smooth! It’s another one I’d like to try again sometime; in fact I’d really like to get a better taste of pu erh in general. ANYBODY HAVE ANY SUGGESTIONS?
MrMopar recommended the 2009 menghai red aura and 2009 v93 tuocha to me. Here are links: http://www.ebay.com/itm/2009-Yunnan-Menghai-Red-Aura-Round-Cake-Ripe-Puer-Tea-100g-/220865384774?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item336c9a5146
I began reading some reviews by looking at the puerh list under the tea’s tab above and the most popular ones. I picked some to try. That was my method (also certain people and companies were favorites). Ask for samples too.
WOW this tea was unlike anything I have ever had before! QUITE AN EXPERIENCE! I always considered things like ASSAM to be kinda malty and smokey but WOW THIS. THIS is what smokey tea really is. It was like drinking a campfire. Or some kinda fresh jerky, without the meat. REALLY UNIQUE but in the end… I THINK I LIKED IT!? I definitely want to try something like this again!