I’m gonna break this down into the first three steepings, I did a quick rinse before the first steep.
First steep 5s: This tea was campfire-y with a smooth/sweet finish, there might be some slight mineral notes in this steep but I’m not entirely sure.
Second steep 10-ish-s: Ok so I fumbled the kettle this time so I’m not sure if it was actually 10 or I went over. Either way, the campfire smokey taste is stronger than ever, but while still pretty smooth there’s a bitter edge near the end. I also am starting to detect some wood taste too.
Third steep 15s: The smell of this steep is the most smokey, but the taste has died down a bit from the second steep. I can taste wood notes much better now, and it’s back to being not-bitter and completely smooth. Also starting to taste a bit of tobacco at this point.
Overall I really enjoy this tea, I liked it decently when I got it and it’s only grown on me over time.
Flavors: Campfire, Smooth, Tobacco, Wood