I really wanted to save this sample until we had a warm day so I could make iced tea, but I had 2 lbs of fresh strawberries calling my name this morning and just had to drink this with them. Since is was in the low 60s today it ended up being another hot tea day. I probably shouldn’t complain, but I really really wish we’d have some warmer weather. It is absolutely not supposed to be in the 50s-60s in the beginning of June. I’m a southern girl, we don’t like cold weather, and June is suppose to hover around the mid 90s so I can run through the sprinkler and goof off with the baby. So far this summer has not resembled summer at all, but the strawberry tea helped a little.
I was pretty impressed with this one since it was the first strawberry tea that I have come across that didn’t taste completely fake. I love that it had actual freeze dried strawberries in it as well as the natural flavoring, i’m sure that made all the difference in the flavor. I didn’t find this overly fruity, but it sure had a nice creaminess to it that reminded me of cake. I think that this would have reminded me more of a strawberry short cake if the floral flavors hadn’t taken over once the tea started to cool. This makes me excited to try some more teas from Culinary Teas.