This was the only other tea I drank yesterday.
Like I mentioned last night, I spent the majority of the day in the emergency room. Basically, what happened was that on Sunday evening, after I got home from work at DAVIDsTEA, one of my teeth which was abscessed burst. I had just been eating the raw green peppers I was putting on my pizza, and I took a bite into one on the side of my mouth where the tooth was abscessed and that was the straw that broke the camel’s back; or burst the abscess, in this circumstance.
I have had abscessed teeth other than this one; but this is the first time I’ve ever had one burst. Without a word of a lie, it is probably the most painful thing I have ever experienced – and that pain didn’t stop until well into Monday. I was up literally all evening Sunday/Monday morning in writhing pain – during which I downed almost a whole bottle of advil to no effect. At one point I passed out from a combination of the pain and sleep exhaustion, but was back awake and crying in pain in less than an hour. Finally, at about 5:30 in the morning after hours of trying unsuccessfully to get through to an emergency after hours dentist I caved and called my mother and we went to the emergency room.
I was admitted in the ER at about seven in the morning. At some point the side of my face with the abscess swelled up to the point where I could hardly see out of my right eye.
At roughly eleven, we were finally called out of the waiting room to see a doctor. They took my vitals around noon, and shortly after that a medical student came and interviewed me and, with my permission, did an ‘exam’ of my mouth before the nurse came back and also did one. Around 1:30 they finally gave me a shot of a high dose pain killer, which did the trick and finally offered me some relief. I was prescribed the same pain killer to take at home, an anti inflammatory drug, and some antibiotics for the infection. By two in the afternoon I had been discharged.
I went home to my mom’s for a few hours, had my Dammann Freres advent tea, and then we were off to my dentist’s office – at some point during when we were in the ER and getting moved from the ER into an actual room my mom had gotten through to the receptionist when they’d opened up for the day and they’d advised we stay at the ER while my dentist made time during his day to get me in to be looked at in the late afternoon/early evening.
At the dentist, they took some X-Rays and then booked me in for an after hours extraction of the effected tooth on Friday – they can’t pull it until the swelling completely goes away and infection is totally cleared.
After that I went to my mom’s for the rest of the evening just to sleep/rest. At some point I ate a quiche – my first real food of the day. I was also served a cup of this tea, which my mom had originally purchased from Cuppa’T as a surprise to serve when I’m at her place on Christmas day. She said I looked like I could use it right away though; so she broke her own surprise to surprise me/give me some kind of positive experience throughout the day…
The tea was great – but even if it had tasted like shit I would have still been appreciative for a hot cup of something comforting. It tasted sort of like Eggnog in so far as the vanilla notes and then the cinnamon/nutmeg came together to resemble something creamy and ’nog like. The citrus notes in the blend broke the illusion a little bit, but were also still pleasant…
As it stands today; I’m all kinds of groggy, and still quite sore/tender. The side of my face where the tooth abscessed is still swollen/puffy to the point where it’s very visible but not to the degree it was yesterday where I could hardly see out that eye. I took the day off at job #1 to catch up on all of the sleep I missed during the ordeal; but I plan to work at DT tonight. So we’ll see how that goes.
Hell of a way to kickstart the Christmas season, though.
Oh wow, what a nightmare! I’m glad you’re feeling better, and I hope the extraction isn’t too rough.
I’m glad they got you something for the pain. You do have to wait for the infection to clear or you risk the infection getting into your blood stream when they pull the tooth. Very, very bad. Keep taking your meds and take care of you. Sending love and positive, healthy, healing vibes your way!
Oh wow, what a nightmare! I’m glad you’re feeling better, and I hope the extraction isn’t too rough.
I’m glad they got you something for the pain. You do have to wait for the infection to clear or you risk the infection getting into your blood stream when they pull the tooth. Very, very bad. Keep taking your meds and take care of you. Sending love and positive, healthy, healing vibes your way!
Wow, that really sucks. Feel better soon!