Teavivre Sample #4!!!
Yay! This is the last of the Teavivre samples that Lala sent me! I think I saved a good one for last. It’s jasmine (and I really liked the jasmine dragon pearls), and it’s silver needle – both of which I seem to like. My favourite flavoured whites all use a silver needle base tea, so I have high hopes! Trying this sample also means that I can reward myself with the last Butiki sample that Lala sent me (Cantaloupes and Cream – I can’t wait!). I’ll probably have that tomorrow with breakfast.
Dry leaf for this one smells so good! Gah! It makes me want a nice, LONG jasmine scented bubble bath while I drink yummy jasmine tea. But maybe I’m also dying for a bubble bath because A) Our apartment only has a shower and B) the hot water heater broke sometime this morning (and the plumber won’t be here to check it out until tomorrow afternoon) so I only had an ice cold shower earlier today… I tried to tough my way through it by telling myself that it was preparation for when I’m finally on Big Brother (a girl’s gotta dream big – any other Steepsterites who’re also Big Brother fans?): Odds are that I’ll end up a have not at least once, right?
Steeped 1 1/2 tsp. in 6 oz. of water for a minute and a half.
The tea smells exactly like it did as dry leaf. And I mean exactly.
First few sips are really good. The taste of jasmine is definitely really strong and bold, but it still comes across as delicate. In between sips with the aftertaste hanging in my mouth, I’m reminded of honey. I bet a cup of this with a slice of toast w. honey would make a marvellous breakfast!
Honestly, I had to go back to my review of the jasmine pearls – just going by memory the two teas seem really similar. The only thing that kept me from scoring the pearls higher was the vegetal taste, and this tea doesn’t have that at all. So, it gets a slightly higher rating. I’d love to do a comparison of the two teas to see exactly how different they are.
Definitely holding onto the leaves since I remember I got a really good second and third steeping out of the pearls, and I imagine I’m going to get at least a second steeping from these leaves. Blah. I need jasmine tea in a larger quantity so I don’t have to ration…