Trying out the last of my DT purchases from today! Of the three I bought, this one was my Dad’s favourite. He really has a thing for white teas, where as I usually lean towards a good black tea.
I really like Earl Grey teas in general, so this was my sort of “experiment” on the Earl Grey front; I’ve never tried an Earl Grey with an non-black base. My expectations of this one were for it to be much lighter.
I didn’t really make any notes while I was drinking this one – I was too preoccupied with cooking my supper and flipping out at Tre for filling the whole apartment with smoke and the really nasty smell of burnt charcoal. He decided to make himself one of MY mini pizzas – without asking, I might add, when he had no idea how to cook them; basically he cooked a miniature one person sized pizza at 600 degree temperatures for somewhere between five and 10 minutes. Of course the entire thing was completely burnt and a solid black colour. He was going to make himself another one, but I guilted him into not wasting one of my pizza shells and instead eating the disgusting burnt mess he made himself.
If I’m recalling correctly, the dry leaf for this one smells pretty strongly of bergamot, with a really nice light lemon smell. The only reason I found this one was because I was searching the DT website for teas with lemon in them – my cupboard is pretty lacking of lemony teas (other than the God awful Lipton tea I have for when family comes over). And I swear, my little yogurt bits were sparkling. Like – a full on “Twilight Vampire” shimmery white.
I have to admit, I’m not entirely sure how long this cup was steeped – like I said, I had a little bit going on that distracted me. I’m sure, at the very least, that it was less than five minutes. Steeped, the liquor is sort of a peachy yellow. The smell was pretty much just bergamot – the lemon scent I think had been pretty much lost.
The bergamot in this is pretty strong (which is fine – I like bergamot), but the lightness of the lemon and the creaminess of the yogurt bits manage to keep that from making this a heavier tea. It still remains light and fresh. I remember there being an almost grassy aftertaste, so that was probably the green tea added in to this. I didn’t realize until I’d gotten home there was green tea in this mix (not really a green tea fan) – but I think I’d have still made the purchase even if I’d known there was green tea in it.
Overall, I like my Cream of Earl Grey from DT better – but this is still really good. I can see how there’ll be days when I’ll crave this over my other Earl Greys (or just crave it in general).