This is the first tea I’m trying out of the four I got from Tea Desire! Unlike the other teas I purchased, when I went to smell this one in store (they open the tins and then wave a fan over the leaf which blows the scent towards you) I was only able to smell the black tea base (since it’s described as an “East Frisian’s delight” the base is likely some sort of ratio of Assam and Ceylon) – none of the vanilla. Since only some of their teas have the ingredients listed I had to ask what was in this one. The sales lady told me that it’s black tea with vanilla bits and a natural vanilla flavouring. I was hesitant to purchase because I couldn’t smell any vanilla, but she promised I would taste it so I decided to give it a chance.
At home, I was able to smell the dry leaf much more closely, but I’m still only able to smell the black tea base – no vanilla. For my first cup I’m using 1 heaping tsp. for my mug and steeping it with boiling water for 4 minutes (the recommended time is 3-5 minutes so I just went right in the middle). Steeped, the liquor is a darker amber colour. It smells strongly of black tea, but again I don’t smell anything vanilla-esque.
First few sips and I’m hit with a very full bodied black tea. Black tea is definitely the dominant flavour here. A take a bigger sip (almost a gulp really) and let it sit in my mouth for a while. The longer it sits the more I’m, at this point surprisingly, tasting vanilla. After swallowing, the vanilla taste really hits me in the aftertaste. It’s a very creamy sort of vanilla, but it doesn’t taste artificial at all either. I understand where the “velvety” part of the name comes from.
The more I drink from my mug, the more I’m able to taste the vanilla without searching so hard for it. However, the black tea is also tasting fairly bitter as well. Once there’s only about half a mug left I add about 1/2 a teaspoon of sugar and a small splash of milk. This really tones down the bitter black tea, while still letting the taste of the black tea be present. It’s also really brought out the taste of the vanilla – which is another plus.
I do enjoy this cup, but I also dislike that I have to add both sugar and milk to enjoy it – I prefer a tea I can just drink straight. I don’t know if it’s something I’ll repurchase once it’s gone. Since it sort of needs the sugar, it’s also something that Tre can drink without me feeling like he’s wasting the leaves by adding a lot of sugar to the cup. I’m sure he’ll be excited for there to be another tea in the house that he can drink without my nagging him.